Chapter 1

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Hello fangirls. Just one quick note before you read this book....

 I'm long-winded. So they say.

And also, I have never watched Voltron before, I kinda just plucked stuff out from the internet? So I'm sort of confused about Shiro.... 

Which means, dear Shiro stans, I won't touch much on Shiro.

But what I know is that Kuro needs to be destoyed.

 I'll try my best to update even with school (ugh) going on. I'll try to keep them as their characters, but I have one quick question regarding McClain.

How the heck do you flirt?

Disclaimer: I do not own Voltron and PJO/HOO

Timeline:After Blood of Olympus, and somewhere when Keith is in Team Voltron, and Lance has Blue and Keith has Red and on.

Also, Pidge is female in this one.

Rough outline of this story, Keith and Lance get together, then in comes Solangelo.

Ready? Let's go.



Lance had never felt such annoyance in his life before.

Keith barging in on his now once in a blue moon skincare routine was really, really enojoso.

Like, come on, Mullet, why now?

Racing over to where the group was standing, he glared at Shiro and asked," Okay, okay! Lance is here now. What do you want?"

Shiro gave a stern look at Lance before nodding at Keith, smiling, " Good job, Keith. That's an improvement. I see that you did not put him in the trash instead."

 Keith smirked and mimicked throwing something away," He is trash though."

  Lance whipped around and was about to scream, when Shiro interjected,"LANCE. Anyways, you should be wondering why we wanted both of you here. You see, with the Galra occupied with building more things and whatnot, Pidge figured that we would have around seven months of peace and tranquility."

Pidge tapped her foot on the ground and lifted up her glasses,"Well, they left the math to me."

Shiro turned to Pidge,"Were they given a place?"

Hunk looked over at Pidge's computer, then stood up straight and barked,"Operation 7 is a go, sir."

Pidge squealed and high-fived Hunk. (TEAM PUNK)

Lance lifted an eyebrow and questioned,"What now? What is this.... Secret, that le important Lancey Lance doesn't know?"

Keith rolled his eyes at that comment.

Shiro smiled," Guess its not a secret anymore then, Lance. We're sending you and Keith to a boarding school."

Behind Lance, someone fell.

Whatever reaction Keith had, Lance sure hoped he did better.

"WHAT?!" Lance screamed. "This guy? Shiro, you know both of us don't get along well. Why him? Why not my best buddy Hunk?"

Hunk smiled apologetically," Sorry Lance, I really tried. But Shiro has a point, sending both of you together to school might strengthen your bond."

Keith muttered just loud enough for Lance to hear," Which he won't remember."

Pidge looked up at Lance and stated,"Besides, you think 1000 plus ten is ten thousand. Going back to school might help your smallish brain."

Keith added,"And you thought I was the dropout-"

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