Steampunk Poetry

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Steel Lives On

Gears and cogs that turn and shine,

Ticking faster, spinning time.

Steam and smoke combine, in tune.

Built from bronze, a steampunk room.

Ever faster twirls the clock.

Time is running: tick then tock.

Precious metals, fitted tight

Weave in shadows of the night.

People live on, unaware

As ships sail through sea and air.

New inventions, novel, fresh,

Which undermine the natural flesh.

Gears and cogs, such little things.

A pendulum that swings and swings.

But then the clockwork heart is done,

And the horrors have begun.

Fierce and cruel and powerful,

Unfeeling souls, invincible.

Metal men, with iron hearts.

Impossible to tear apart.

Say goodbye, it's the machines

That had looked clever and clean.

Time is running, racing, gone.

Men may die, but steel lives on.



We are airships in the sky,

Proud and puffy, and flying high.

Hydrogen ignites, and then

We are husks of dreams again.


Time to Kill

The night was young,

Her gown was new.

"Why, hello.

How do you do?"


Corseted thing.

Like clockwork,

They turn and swing.

Ballooning skirts,

And bending waists.


Hiding distastes.

Glinting metal

And rubber smiles.


In steampunk styles.

Lips like blood

A porcelain face.

Hidden knives

Under black lace.

She smiles, simpers,

She plays the part.

Soon, yes, soon,

She'll have his heart.

An hourglass,

A pocketwatch


Time. Ticks and tocks.

A ways away,

The clock strikes one.

Time's run out.

The counting's done.

Night is over,

Her dressed stained red.

Time to kill?


Time is dead.



March. March. Step in time.

Shoulders back. Stay in line.

Follow orders, faces starched.

"Yes, sir!" "No, sir!" March. March.

Rifles raised and eyes kept low.

React faster. Halt! Go!

Ten-hut! Turn, and then repeat.

Move your muscles. Stamp your feet.

Trudge through snow and crawl through mud.

Fight harder. Get used to blood.

Ignore pain and stinking breath.

Fight for freedom. Fear not death.

Faster. Stronger. Ten-hut! Turn!

Adapt, soldier! Bleed and learn.

Bullets fly, and backs are arched.

You are standing. You will march.



Tick, tock, there is a clock.

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

This clock lives in the past.

The others are too fast.

Tick, tock, I'm the clock,

And I'm not meant to last.

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