♡ F O U R ♡

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Sometime during the car ride Taylee had fallen asleep. Light snores were escaping her lips making her sound as though she was slightly purring and I just couldn't help but smile.

To someone else, the sounds emmiting from her might sound ear wrenching, which isn't surprising, seeing as it feels as though I'm making everything about her to be some sort of godlike trait.

I haven't even known this girl for a day yet and I can officially say, I'm whipped.

Throughout the rest of the car ride I decide to act as though she wasn't there so that I could keep my mind off of things it shouldn't be on.

I decide to play a song, so I turn on Gold by offonoff. This song just makes me feel some type of way.

I pull up in front of my house and turn the car off and for a second I sit there and let out a deep breathe. A breathe that would relieve me from all of the bullshit that happened earlier today.

My hands reach over to lightly shake Taylee and her eyes flutter open.

"We're here." I say in a slight whisper and she blinks backs her sleepiness then stretches.

"Where are we again?" She asks while looking around.

I chuckle at her short moment of obliviousness and answer, "my house."

"Oh yeah. Sorry I fell asleep." She apologizes.

"I understand. You just came off a three hour flight." I reassure her. She smiles and nods her head at me in agreement.

We both step out of the car and to my front door.

When I left, this house was full of yelling, anger, regret, and sadness, but right now it's filled with the peaceful sound of silence and annoying bugs that seemed to roam my yard whenever it's dark out.

I turn the door handle and it opens automatically, which obviously shows that it wasn't locked.

I step inside only to be met with darkness and the sound of sniffling. I hurried my way over to the light switch and I notice Mina sitting on my couch with tears streaming down her face.

'Hell no.' Why is she still in my fucking house?

"Mina what the fuck are you still doing here?" I ask her harshly. The door is heard closing which reminds me that Taylee is here.

When she starts wiping her face and lunging towards me I quickly put my hands out in defense.

"Sihoon, I'm sorry!" She stops in front of me and falls on the ground.

"I'm really not here for this shit. I'm going to tell you one more god damn time, Mina. Get out of my fucking house." I clench my teeth and try to keep myself as calm as possible.

"What is going on?" Taylee whispers to me as she eyes the sobbing woman in front of me.

"Nothing. Can you wait in the car please?" I say, embarassment slowly washing over me.

Mina stops her exaggerated crying and looks up at Taylee. The look in her eyes would only come from the devil himself.

"Who's this?" She points a long finger her way then looks me dead in the eye.

"You've already brought some slut over?" She scoffs and rolls her eyes, "This is exactly why I cheated on you. I had a feeling you were fucking around with other girls when you were hanging out with your 'boys'."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I cut her off by yelling. At this point my blood is boiling and I pinch the bridge of my nose to try and calm myself down.

"You're a dumbass Mina. Get out of my house." I say in the most calm way possible.

She gets up and in the blink of an eye a sting jolts throughout my cheek and I quickly place my hand there in shock.

"Fuck you Sihoon." She spits and struts upstairs.

I sigh and turn around to see Taylee gone. I can't believe I brought her here to this mess.

"Taylee." I knock on the car window to get her attention.

She opens the car door and gives me a concerned look, "I'm guessing that's your ex girlfriend."

"Yeah." I sigh and she smiles a bit.

"She's hella crazy." She laughs. I laugh  too when everything replays back in my head.

Mina comes out of the house with half of her things in hand. 

"I'll get you a uber and help you get the rest of your stuff." I say while pulling out my phone from my pocket.   

"I can help myself." She huffs and walks back inside.

She doesn't seem to be screaming anymore and she looks kind of sad again. I've honestly never seen her act this way and I'm slightly concerned. I follow behind her and we head upstairs into our- my room.

I grab a hold of her wrist and she stops to stare at me.

"What?" She asks sharply, while keeping her tough appearance.

"Why did you cheat on me?" I ask softly. I didn't expect it to come out as low as it did.

Her eyes just seemed to search my face for an answer but she ends up turning away and shaking my hand off of her.

I forget that I even asked her that and begin helping her with her stuff. After a few minutes I was stuffing her things into the back of the uber and she left without saying a word.

"I'm sorry for bringing you into this mess. I should've let you stay at home." I mutter and start the car.

"It's okay. Honestly." She says gently. From the corner of my eye I can see her wringing her fingers and glancing at me a few times as though she had something to say to me that just didn't want to come out.

"Sihoon?" She calls.

My heart did a backflip when I heard my name come out of her mouth.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"Can I be your girlfriend?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2018 ⏰

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