The Evil Soul

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A/N: Heyo Typlosionites! It's me TheDarkTyplos again with another chapter! I have to ask though, do you like the story so far? I know the chapters are short, but that's because I'm always updating on my iPhone and it looks longer to me. BTW, two things about the story. During Dusk's Pov, Italics will be around Draco's thoughts. For example, "What do you think Draco?" Dusk asked nonchalantly. 'I think your crazy Dusk, just crazy.said Draco' Like that and vice-versa for Draco's Pov unless stated otherwise. Also, when Draco transforms into her Enderdragon form, no one can hear what Draco says besides Dusk, unless she's actually speaking to someone. Okay back to the story!


Dusk's Pov

I woke up from my slumber, ready to kill others. She finally let me take control. It's about time. 'Yes, yes, I did, now will you just do what you need to do so I can go back.' I smirked at Draco's thoughts. 'You're funny. Learn to lighten up Drakal.' She silently shuddered at the nickname I have for her. ' It'll be fun. Who should we kill first? Oh I know, since you told the Team Crafted people that the one time you would let them go was now, why don't we go for Star or something?' NO! You can't! I won't let you! I gripped my head, damn, why was this a problem for her now? 'You can't kill her because she's with TC right now. They would obviously try to defend her. I don't want anything happening to the TC leaders, especially Ty.' 'I see; so you're afraid of Ty getting hurt. Get over him, he's not worth it. I can already sense him growing insecure about you're relationship. I'll give it a few more days before something comes between you two.' I was really disliking Ty; he just comes and goes and only looks for Draco only when he needs a comical relief from everything. In fact, I would probably be the better one for- 'Who the hell are you talking to and about Dusk?' Shit, I forgot to block my thoughts. 'Er, its nothing. Look, there's our target.'

We landed on a nearby and watched a recruit standing guard. I think his name was Daniel. There was no way she could deny me the chance of killing him. He was always acting tough, but whenever he gets in a fight, he keeps screaming about suicide. Anyways, he was standing guard looking really agitated. As we made our way to where he was, he was yelling to another recruit and was saying how this time he was gonna kill himself for real this time, and how no one should ever look for him again. 'C'mon Drakal, you need to give me the chance to kill him, you know we all hate him. C'mon please? 'Will you wait for at least five seconds and shut up?' We watched as he threw his weapons and armour on the ground, and stalked into the forest that out skirted the recruit armory. 'Perfect timing, isn't it Drakal?' "Yes it it. Follow him into the forest, far enough that no one could save him, but close enough so that they hear his screams.' My purple eyes glinted evilly. Now she's thinking like a true enderdragon.

We followed him, via silently jumping through trees, and Draco and I were shocked that there weren't any mobs attacking him. The fact that we were close to a village should've drew mobs in like moths to a flame. I guess Daniel realized this too, because he screamed out suddenly ,"C'mon mobs! You've never held back from fighting me before! Why stop now?! Fight me!!" 'Now, he's asking for it. Do it now.' 'With pleasure." I said in my deep, cunning, voice; answering the both of them.With that, I gracefully lept at him and pinned him to the ground. "Be careful what you wish for..." He looked at me in fear and said, "Please spare me! I have family that I care about a lot! Please, have mercy on me!" I shook my head in a disapproving manner. "Poor, poor, Daniel," I crooned. You shouldn't be afraid to be killed. You were always saying how you could've. Don't be afraid to die." "B-but my f-family..." He stuttered. I smiled in glee. "Oh, don't worry about that, you're family is going to join you real soon." His eyes widened, and I slashed his chest.

The sound of his screams pierced the tranquil night. I then proceeded to rip off body parts, in hope that they would never be able to save him. It was only after I left the mauled body, that I realized that there were a lot of mobs by us, especially endermen. I let them take what was left of the body and saw the sun was starting to come up. I cursed, while Draco silently cheered. I teleported her to the outskirts of the Sky Army HQ. As a last second thought, I lightly slashed both my arms and the left side of my stomach to have a reason for the blood. As for the mud thought... 'What's the excuse?' 'Let's just say that after you ran off, you tripped and started rolling down the hill, scratching yourself among the rocks and twigs. I'm also going to teleport you in the HQ. Be prepared. See you in two weeks Drakal. 'Ok, bye Dusk. See you later.' I mentally smiled at her before using the last of my fading strength to teleport her into the base. I blacked out, letting Draco take control again, before finally, scumming as the sun rose.

A/n: Please don't judge too harshly, I started writing this at 4:15am, fell asleep, then finished writing at 6:24

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