"New kristen's boyfriend.... Cody Rhodes"

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   "Hey question Cody?'' I asked

   ''what's up.'' He asked

    "Why out of all the girls that were at the wwe event and the wwe diva's you picked me?" I said

    "Because when i bumped into and i picked you up....." Cody said unfinshed.

     "what you cn tell me anything I listen even if it is stupid or weird.'' I told him.

     " Ok here it goes we ZINGED!........" Cody told me.

     "Weird.......I believe in zinging too.I agree I felt as we ...are as you could say ment to be.'' I said.

     ''Alright so......do you want to date me?" Cody asked

    "Yea." I said

    Me,Cody,Krissy,and Evan all finshed our dinner and me and Krissy finally had to go home after this wonderful amazing fantastic night.

    "Krissy I am in love with Cody he asked me out and I said yes.'' I told her.

    "Umm since its a confesion time , I have a confession to make." Krissy said.

    "What did you do?" I asked in suspense.

     "Ummm Evan asked me out so I did what you did and I said yes too."

She told me.

    "Awe you guys are so cute together and I feel you guys are going to take this realtionship far." I told Krissy.

    "You and Cody will take your realtionship far too." Krissy told me.

He's The Smoke In My Mirror (Cody Rhodes)Where stories live. Discover now