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I woke up the next morning without him. I quickly brushed my teeth and put on clothes.
"LEO?" I shouted. Nobody answered.
I went donstairs calling for the others.
"Esmé, Carlos, Riley?" A voice answered. It was Carlos.
"Um. Camila, Leo left just now. Could you hurry up. I have to lock the door." He said.
"Yea." I answered.
I went back upstairs and grabbed my backpack. Then Carlos and I went out. 

I saw him at school sitting in the backseat, which was verry unusual. Annabeth and Jason sat in the front, and I took the seat next to them.
"LEO?" I shouted.
I know he heard me. He ignored me. Annabeth just gave me it's-going-to-be-OK look. So... I waited patiently for him to notice his girlfriend..

At lucnch I saw Laurel sit alone. She never sat alone. Where were her friends? I had a mini debate with myself if I shoud go to her or ignore her. Too late, I decided to ealk towards her anyway. She saw me. Holy sh*t she is going to scream. I wanted to turn around and go the other way, but Laurel was smiling at me. It was a difficult time, processing what the smile memt. Was it evil? Or a friendly one?.
"Hey." I said.
"Hello" she said back.
"Wanna' sit"
she removed her jacket and pointed at the bench. I sat down.
"Soooo......what's up?" I asked.
Laurel took another bite from her grilled cheese sandwich.
"The girls went to the foodtruck to buy food, mom made me lunch, so O stayed."
I nodded. She was calm, not angry, smiling and nice.
"Um. Have you forgiven me or..." she dragged.
"I don't know. It has been like 6 or 7 months ago...." I said
She peeled her orange, O was afraid she was going to peel me like that. Her fimgernails stuck deeply into my skin and dragg my skin off my face.
"I understand she said. And I'm sorry, but it's not only my fault." She said.
"Yeah. Blame the alcohol" I said.
A group of girls was laughing loudly and screaming. It was Laurels friends.
"I should go." I said to her.
I left as quick as I could, and I heard Laurel say, no wait.

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