Willas Tyrell X Baratheon!Reader - Power (Part Two)

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A/N- Part one of this imagine is also in this book, please read that first. 

After you were married to Willas you had quickly fallen pregnant and all mutterings of your inability to rule the Seven Kingdoms seemed to disappear. If you were to birth a daughter you were sure the whispers would return, and you were sure they would continue until you had a son to inherit the Iron Throne. Willas was good in his position of your consort, and your Hand after your grandfather had been killed. Often he would sit with you as you wrote your letters in the gardens, giving advice whenever you asked it of him. And he was an even better Husband, he made you feel as though nothing else mattered, he made you feel loved for being you for the first time in your life.

"You seem distracted," Willas murmured to you, his hand coming to rest on your knee as he spoke. You placed your fork down on the wooden table and pressed your eyes closed for a moment, shifting so that your hair covered your face as you turned to him. People couldn't know what was happening, it would bring chaos to King's Landing.

"I received a letter today," you uttered softly, your hand coming to rest against your stomach. "The Dragon Queen and the King in the North have requested a meeting of the powers to discuss something of massive importance, though they have not told me what it'll be," you explained and he nodded.

"I will be beside you the whole time, nothing bad will come of this," he promised you, leaning forward and pressing his lips against your forehead softly.

"She has three Dragons, the Dothraki, and my uncle at her side. He, on the other hand, has the Wildlings and at least one Direwolf at his command," you whispered, attempting to stop the tears coming to your eyes. "And all I have is the child I have yet to birth. They will think me weak."

"They would be fools to ever consider you weak, My Love, to consider any Mother weak," he uttered gently. "We are not weaker than they are. We may be outnumbered but we have the best people on our side." Willas allowed his hand to come up and cup your cheek, rubbing his thumb gently across the skin.

You leaned into his touch. "They are to visit at the end of the month," you muttered and he nodded in response.

"And we'll be ready for them when they arrive," he answered softly, leaning in and kissing you gently. "I will not let them hurt either of you; I promise that."

*Time Skip*

You gripped onto Willis' hand like a vice as you walked towards the old Fighting Pits. Beyond those walls were two of the most powerful threats to your Kingdom and the biggest dangers to you and your child. By now the pregnancy would be hard to keep from them and so you decided to wear your swollen stomach with pride, cinching in the waist of your dress to make your stomach stand out even further than it usually did.

"We'll survive this," Willas whispered in your ear before pressing a kiss to the side of your head and giving your hand a reassuring squeeze and he used his other to cling to his walking stick. You nodded in agreement, not fully trusting your voice to be steady just yet.

Your mother was on the other side of you, her hand resting on the small of your back and rubbing softly. "You need to calm yourself Y/N, or they will feel in control," she muttered softly and you nodded again, straightening your back and pressing a small smile to your lips. "That's better, My Sweet," she spoke again, moving her hand away as you all continued to walk towards the Pits.

You were the first to come into view of the people in the Pits. You hadn't realised how young the Stark bastard was, not much older than yourself. You gave him a nod and scanned the crowd for the Dragon Queen, instead, your eyes landed on your uncle. "Where is she?" you asked, your voice steady and focused as you stared at him.

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