Chapter 1

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I'm standing in front of the door looking at the paper that had the address for the party then staring at the address on the side of the door. I lifted up my head staring at the beautiful night sky. A sigh escaped my lips while I crumpled up the small piece of paper throwing it to the side. Here's to teenage memories. I opened the front door and the scent of alcohol and weed filled up my nose. The music is blasting so loud you could actually feel the beat. Some random guy handed me a red plastic cup probably filled with alcohol and just left. I chuckled and took a sip not caring what kind of drink it was I'm here to have fun get wild and make a better life. As I was walking down the hall a couple of guys asked for my name but every time someone asked I would just smile and walk away. I set my cup down on a coffee table trying to look for Sandra my new friend that actually invited me to this party. I was searching the house looking for a short blonde. My eyes landed on a tall blue eyed blonde who was really attractive. He was leaning against the wall staring directly at me while taking a drink from his cup. I looked away then looked back and he was still staring I started walking taking a turn going up the stairs bumping into someone and their drink spilled on me.

"Fuck my bad" The pink haired guy laughed.

"Oh god you could see my bra. Why did I wear a white shirt?"

"That could actually be a trend white wet bra showing shirt" he smiled. You could tell he was stoned and drunk his eyes were red and you could smell the alcohol and smoke on him.

"I'm pretty sure Luke has a shirt in his room that you could wear he always has girls over and they accidentally leave their tops." He air quotes accidentally. "Follow."

I follow the pink haired stranger all the way up the stairs walking all the way to the end of the hallway. He opens up the door holding it open until I walk in and he shuts he door.

"So what's your name?" I ask while he searches around the room.

"Michael and you are..."

"Tiffany but people call me Tiff."

I take a seat on the unmade messy bed and Michael throws me a big black shirt. I look at it and it's a Rolling Stone band shirt with holes in it.

"This doesn't look like a girls shirt" I giggle.

He smiles then just stares at me for awhile. We awkwardly look at each other like we're playing the staring game.

"Well put on the shirt"

"Turn around or get out" I laugh.

"There's a bathroom right there" He points to the left and my head turns. I walk to the bathroom going inside and closing the door. I lift up my shirt folding it and putting it down on the counter. I sniff the black shirt and it smells like mint with smoke and a bit of apple I think. I put it on and it reaches a little bit higher than my knees about mid thigh but I'm wearing jeans so I won't be showing skin. I walk out the bathroom and sit back on the bed next to Michael.

"Do you wanna just chill in here and watch t.v or something?"

I nod and he gets up turning on the television then he walks up to the door opening it.

"You want a drink?" He smirks.

"Yeah just get me anything. Surprise me." I smile.

He closes the door leaving me alone in a strangers room. I lay down on my back looking up at the wall watching the ceiling fan spin. Well this party didn't go as planned I was supposed to get drunk make friends well more than one and just make fun memories. I hear the door open and I get up.

"Well that was really fast" Wait.

"Who are you and why are you in my room?" The tall blonde I saw earlier smiles.

"Michael umm told me to follow him up here" I stared at the floor.

"Why the fuck are you wearing my shirt? Why the fuck did you have sex on my bed?"

"I did-"

"Take off my shirt" He yelled.

"I-I don't have a undershirt on" I said.

He started walking towards me and I got really scared. He pulls on the bottom half of the shirt.

"Just take it off now" He yells again.

I just stare at him shocked and I lift the shirt off slowly and I throw it at him. I cover myself up with my arms.

"Get out" He says blankly.

"You're a dick" I say.

He just smiles and points to his bedroom door. I stare at him. Who does he think he is? He's such a douche bag.

"I'm not leaving until I have a shirt on" I stand still.

"Wear the shirt you wore here" He turns off the t.v.

"It's wet and you could see my bra" I groan.

"Better than nothing"

I walk to the bathroom picking up my white shirt and I put it on. Once I walk out of the bathroom Luke stands by the door holding it open. I walk past him.

"Such a gentlemen" I say sarcastically.

He slams the door and I walk away going down the stairs. I bump into someone again and their drink spills on me again.

"Deja Vu" Michael laughs.

"I'm leaving" I walk away from him and walk towards the front door opening it and stepping outside leaving the door open. Once I reach the front gate of the house I turn around and look at the window and the blue eyed guy is looking out of it staring at me.

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