January 8th 2012

25 1 0


My name is Alyssa and I am a vampire slayer.  Well, a vampire slayer in training to be exact but who wants to be exact all the time?  Okay, I guess I do seeing as if I am not I could possibly die but that is being a bit extreme if you ask me about it.  Ugh I am going on something my teacher calls a ‘rabbit trail’ right now which seems to be something I do a lot according to her.  Mrs. Claire wants me to write everything about me in this book seeing as the information I keep I here can actually help some people in the future.  I think it is weird and a waste of time but what can it hurt?


Like I said before my name is Alyssa and I am sixteen years old as of today.  I have auburn hair that takes forever to get just right, pale skin that burns when I am out in the sun, and green eyes that I feel are two big for my face.  If you haven’t already guessed I am Irish but my accent is long gone thanks to being stuck in a boarding school out in the middle of nowhere.  Everybody who goes here loses their accent for some reason. Teachers say it’s because we aren’t surrounded by our roots so our bodies just naturally forget it.


Oh I guess I should talk about the school as well.  When you are fourteen and parents see that you have some sort of special ability they call the headquarters.  The headquarters send out a teacher who puts the kid through a series of tests to figure out which school is more appropriate for you.  There are four schools you can go to.  The slaying school, the magick school, the knowledge school, and then there is the Jack school.


The slaying school is where I go to.  It is a place where kids have fast reflexes, great eyesight, faster healing, and pretty much anything that makes you a super hunter.  This all helps because we need to win the fight against vampires that have recently infested our country.  They have taken over and no one knows how they came about.  I am not talking about the whole Twilight kind of vampires either.  Sure their looks are enhanced and they sweet on the outside but when they turn they get all scary like.


The second school I mentioned is pretty self-explanatory.  The school of Magick is kind of like that whole Harry Potter series except without the whole house thing, and the dark wizards’ thing, and the trio.  Well I guess the only similarity is that they practice magick to help the slayers fight the vampires.  Some are pretty powerful too.  It’s almost freaky.


The third school was for the people who were insanely smart.  Not just your average straight A’s kids but the kid who can hack into any system, crack any code, the kind of kid the old Government would love to kill before vampires were around.  Now the Government uses them like they use us all.  These kids tend to be shy being as all they are doing is reading or doing some sort of math-y thing.  They don’t get out much.


The fourth and final school is the Joker school.  It is not about laughs or comedy-though a lot of the people do tend to be like that-but they have all these qualities.  The thing is they are not strong in just one category but know a bit of everything.  It’s really interesting seeing them go at competitions, it’s actually pretty funny.


Oh that’s right, you don’t know about the competition!  Its weird writing everything down because I feel like everybody already knows all this.  Even though you are just a diary and of course don’t even know anything because you are just a book.  But then again my teacher would argue that a reader would pick this up and the competition is a huge part of life now and they wouldn’t know anything I am talking about.


Ugh, another ‘rabbit trail’.  Anyways, the competition is where all the schools meet together at the Head Quarters.  Over the course of a week we all go through trials of our subject in front of judges who rate us on accuracy and such.  At the end of the week we see our scores and the best score from each school ‘graduate’ from their schools as a crew.  They then train together for one more month at the head quarters and are sent off to a selected area to fight whatever vampires may be there.


The people who are not the top scores go back to the school and stay till they are.  The oldest student here is 35!  The Government doesn’t want one so talented to be out in society wasting it away with nothing to do.  Part of me agrees with it, the other not so much.  I feel sorry for Gabe.  The 35 year old I mentioned already.


Well I think that is enough information for now, my hand is cramped and I rather go train.  Write in you later Diary.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2012 ⏰

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