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My earliest memory of him was when we were at the entrance exam at U.A, when we where students ourselves. For someone who's always tired and closed off, he had everything a hero needed. A kind heart, a stable mind, and dedication. I remember the expressions on his face. I remember the adrenaline he had, making him more interesting than any other person in the room. It was inevitable that I'd fall in love with him from that start. What was unexpected, at least to me, was that he felt the same way; and now we've been going out since our senior year at UA. I've spent more than half of my life with this man, and yet, I still can't get enough of him. I'm so in love with him to the point it's suffocating. With Shota, I feel stronger, like no one can beat me. I feel completed, and that I'm high off of drugs. Being with him brings the best out of me, and I want it to stay that way. Forever. Which is why I've decided...

"Morning, 'Zashi." Aizawa said in his sleepy voice, barely awake. His hair was a mess and he smelt like sweat, so it could only mean he had just woken up. "What're you doing up so early? I'm usually up before you." Hizashi scratched his head. "Yeah, well. I guess I couldn't sleep."
"Couldn't sleep?" Aizawa asked with a tint of confusion in his voice. "You've never had a problem sleeping before." "That you know off," Hizashi corrected. "This happened before?" Aizawa then gave his partner a good morning kiss, holding his hand. "I hope My energy isn't rubbing off on you." Hizashi chuckled softly. "After twelve years of being together? Don't think it works that way, Shota."
Aizawa did his half-of-a-smile, and kissed the hand of his lover which he was holding. "I'll start breakfast." Hizashi nodded in response, and started breathing heavily, getting ready to spit something out. "Shota, do you ever think of our future?" Taken back by the question, Aizawa chuckled while getting out the pan to start their food. "We've been together for years now. Of course I have, why?" When Aizawa turned back to face Hizashi, he was on his knees with his face all red. "Shota.."
Shocked, Aizawa dropped the pan and started tearing up.
"I want to marry you, Shota. I..i uh," Hizashi started trembling and stuttering  from nervousness, "I want to grow old with you.. I want to do what married couples do. A-and yes, same sex marriage isn't..l-legal here, yet, but I have it all figured it out." Aizawa's face was bright red, and unable to reply. "Shota... I want to marry you, and if you say yes, then, I think I can be the best me I have been in years."
After what seemed like enteral silence, Shota broke it with his sniffling. "You're such an idiot.." Taken back by his response, Hizashi was ready for the worst. "Purposing like this when I just woke up..that's not fair."
Hizashi got up, holding Aizawa's hand once more. "So..?" "Yeah."
Hizashi looked up at Aizawa with the biggest smile he's ever made. "Yeah, I'll marry you."
Crying, Hizashi slipped the ring on his new fiancé's finger, then gave him a giant peck on the lips. "I'm going to make you the happiest man alive, Shota."
Shota rolles his eyes, and wrapped his arms around  Hizashi's neck. "That's a bold statement, 'Zashi." "It's not just a statement," Hizashi corrected. "It's a promise."

The Promise Between Us (Aizawa x Mic fanfic BNHA)Where stories live. Discover now