A little better | 12

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When we finally return back to school, we go our separate ways and I see that I have a missed call from home

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When we finally return back to school, we go our separate ways and I see that I have a missed call from home.

After going into Maddy and I's empty dorm, I dial our landline number and wait while it rings several times.

When it connects, I hear mum's familiar tone sound through my ears. "My darling! I've missed you so much! Are you okay to talk? How's it going? Are you feeling okay? Have you made friends? Have you found anything interesting? Do you have a boyfriend? Ooh! How's Will?"

"Mum!" I practically yell, but still while laughing. "I can't answer all your questions at once. Please."

I can almost imagine her putting a hand over her mouth and giving me a sheepish look. "Whoops! You're right! Sorry, how's everything?"

Filling her in on what's been going on seems to take longer than expected, due to the millions of questions she asks every time I finish a sentence, but we eventually get through it, and I ask her how dad and her are both doing.

"We're okay." She replies. "Missing you, though. I think your dad's finding it hard without being able to boss you around. But I also think he can't stand the thought of losing you, too."

"He won't lose me mum." I reassure her, and I hear a silence at the end of the phone.

"I know, but he can't help but imagine." There's another awkward pause, before she lifts the atmosphere, most likely sensing the change of mood. "Anyway, you'll be coming home soon, so that's all good."

I smile, remembering that it's only a couple of weeks until school breaks up for the half term holidays. Finally we'll get a rest from all of this - Will and I at least. "Looking forward to it."

"And we'll be booking the cottage for the half term holidays!"

"Yes!" I nearly scream. The cottage is a holiday home we rent in the countryside that makes being out of school that little bit more special. "I thought we weren't going to do that this year?"

"Well, we weren't, but we're going to do that as a treat for you, being such a good undercover girl!"

I cringe at her mum-like enthusiasm. "Mum-"

"And also the Peters might be joining us. We're thinking of inviting them." She pauses at the line, and I can hear the kettle boiling in the background.

Damn I miss a cup of tea every day.

"How are you and Will?"

Clearing my throat, I stand up from the bed and walk to the window, staring out into the landscape through the glass. "We're not a couple, mum."

"I know." She says, with a hint of amusement in her voice. "But are you getting along? I know it's hard to when you see him all the time. In such...close areas."

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