A bombardment of messages | 29

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The next morning is quite possibly one of the weirdest mornings that I've ever had

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The next morning is quite possibly one of the weirdest mornings that I've ever had. Will and I fell asleep together last night, just talking until early hours. When we wake up, a small child is jumping on top of us, yelling our names.

"Will! Viola!" She shouts into our ears, making the bed squeak as she jiggles around. "Wake up! Mummy says we're leaving soon. Wake up!"

I feel Will stir beside me, groaning as his arms snake around my stomach, burying his face in the crook of my neck. "Just five more minutes."

"No!" She argues, whacking his head. "Wake up."

After a few more seconds of holding me to him, he lets go, sitting up straight. "Tell mum that she's the reason I'm sleep deprived."

"What's that mean?" Lillie asks, sounding confused. "Sleep deproned?"

When I open my eyes, I see Will smiling at her adorableness. "Sleep deprived. And it doesn't matter."

She doesn't seem to dwell on it for too long, changing the subject faster than the time in which it took her to wake us up. "Why is Viola sleeping in your bed?"

"Uh," Will looks at me, trying to think about how to explain. "She had a sleepover?"

Hugging my knees to my chest, I have to hide my mouth behind them so that she doesn't notice. "Yeah. A sleepover."

"That's not fair." She whines, eyes flitting between us. "I want a sleepover."

"We can have one another time, Lils. Can you run and tell mum that we're awake?"

She nods in response to his question, hopping onto the floor and sliding down the stairs on her bottom, giggling all the way down.

I'm worried that without her presence, things are going to be awkward between Will and I, but that's not the case. Suddenly Will's lips are moving down my neck, his hands softly stroking my bare shoulders. "Morning."

I inhale sharply. "Sleep well?"

"Incredibly well." He looks up, a smirk on his face as his turquoise eyes find mine. "You?"

"Yeah, I did actually." I reply, unable to stop the smile spreading onto my face.

I would never have imagined this to be happening if anyone had asked me yesterday. But here we are, in the same bed, waking up together after spending the night releasing all the thoughts built up inside us.

After pressing his lips to mine once more, he stands up, the covers falling off him and revealing his glorified chest. "I'm going to have a shower."

Deciding that my stomach's pleas for food are finally getting too much, I get out of bed and head downstairs, following the familiar smell of my mum's cooked breakfast.

When I reach the kitchen, Mr Peters, Harriet, Lillie and my mum are sitting at the table, drinking cups of tea with empty plates in front of them. They all look up as I enter, smiling at me when recognition dawns on their faces.

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