♡ Bonus chapter two ♡

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I often think about what would've happened if I didn't go to Windsor Dalton

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I often think about what would've happened if I didn't go to Windsor Dalton. If I chose not to take on a new identity for the year, deciding to stay at my old school. If I remained as Viola and never once became Mia Evans.

Of course, I wouldn't have met Will and Amie and all my amazing friends, but I also wouldn't have experienced a part of myself that I didn't realise I had.

Viola, meet Mia. Mia is strong, confident and assertive. She is fearful, surprisingly; someone that can find hope and love in a situation even with the presence of danger. Mia has learnt to let go - she has found the importance of remaining in the present. She has realized that, although the past has helped to shape her as a person, it doesn't define her ultimate future, her aim and her outlook on life. It is hers to keep, to treasure, but not to exist in.

Mia has gone now, but she is a part of me that I know will be here forever. Truthfully, she was always around, but it took a while for me to understand that - to know I can be confident and assertive too. I don't need to feel embarrassed or ashamed of my insecurities. I can embrace them, and move forward.

"What are you thinking about?" Will's voice croaks from beside me, his face puffy from sleep, eyes squinting at the light.

I stare at him, feeling my lips curve into a smile. "Nothing."

Just that you always looks so cute in the morning, the way you frown innocently, disheveled hair sticking up, a look of disorientation painted on your features as you stretch and yawn.

But I don't tell him that, or his ego will get too big.

He waggles his eyebrows as if reading my thoughts. "Did you dream about me?"

I feel no need to answer, instead getting out of bed and slipping on my pajama trousers.

Will's arms snake around my legs, pulling me back down as his lips press against my neck. "Don't change. Your legs will get too hot."

Eyebrows raised, I give him a look that says: Really?

He sighs. "Okay fine, I like your underwear. You know I do. The little frills are cute." He laughs at my face, the sound resonating through the room. "And purple is my favourite colour on you. But those trousers? No. Nobody likes them."

"I like them, so shut up. And you've seen my underwear plenty of times." I roll my eyes, laughing as he blows a raspberry on my stomach. "Will! Stop it. Stop, or I'll..."

"Or you'll what?" A grin begins to seep onto his face as his turquoise eyes glint at me mischievously.

"I'll give good old Aunty Petra and cousin Quintessa a call."

The smile is wiped off his face in a flash.

Consequently, I burst out laughing, knowing how much he despises his strange and slightly incestuous relatives. After Quintessa asked him if he wanted to "Make out", he seems to have been mentally scarred for life. Believe me, it is the best thing that has happened in a long time because no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to get over how hilarious it was.

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