Info + Chapter 1

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Okay so this story is inspired by:
Just a monster family, in a human world by: The_Goddis
We're different and Reunited by AB6731
Along with~
We are a different type of family by DarkShadows333
So it might seem like those two, but I'm trying my best not for this to seem like them, but anyways: hope you enjoy!

Basic info:
Edd: Age 8 and a half, Young wizard that has white angel wings, that showed signs of magic at a young age when he brought his stuffed animal cat to life.
Tom: 9, has not showed signs of his monster as of yet, but has sharp teeth which is a sign of a monster.
Bella: 9 and a half, human as far as recorded, But has a few mental issues to note. Paul and Pat discovered her Medium talents the hard way when she correctly described someone they knew who had died.
Matt: 10, Young vampire, mostly eats, mice, rats, spiders, insects, and spiders, but prefers normal food. Extremely narcissistic.
Tord: 10 and a half, Devil/Demon, has extreme difficulties controlling his demon side when he is angry.
Paul/Pa: 25, Werewolf, his mate is Pat, watched his village get destroyed by humans leading him to adopt orphaned monsters.
Pat/Dad: 26, Werewolf, showed werewolf signs at age 14, mate is Paul, decided to adopt children for the hell of it.
How the house is set up:
Basement: Wine cellar, work shop, and secret room
1st floor: kitchen, living room, bathroom, Paul and Pat's room, and two studies
2nd: Tom's, Bella's, and Edd's rooms; and a bathroom
3rd: Tord's and Matt's rooms, bathroom, and an attic space.
That's it now I hope you enjoy the story!
-with Bella-
She opened her eyes to find the ceiling of her room. She hesitated before sitting up and leaving the comfort of her bed. She got dressed in her black t-shirt with white bold print saying "My Unicorn ate my homework" and jeans. She grabbed her sketch book off her bedside table and sat beside the window to look at the fluffy white snow falling to the ground. She spaced out and was startled by a knock at her door. She moved away from the window and opened her door. There stood a little boy, dressed in a blue hoodie that was twice as big as he was, his empty black eyes that matched the button eyes of his teddy bear that he took everywhere.
"Pa said he's about got breakfast done.. And told me to wake everyone up... I woke up Edd and he's getting Matt and Tord..." He said, she looked at him and giggled a bit.
"Lemme (Smash) guess You want me to go down with you. To 'protect' you and Tommee from The Evil Turd?" She asked, He laughed and smiled with a nod. "Come in and help me grab the things for the revenge we planned." She whispered and he walked into her room and shut the door behind him. She grabbed her sketch book from her window and put it on the bed, before looking at Tom.
"Where are they?" He asked ecstatically, Bella looked at him with a smile and motioned to her dresser.
"In the bottom drawer of my dresser." She laughed, and he went over to the dresser and pulled out two squirt guns full of some sort of brown sludge in them. "Looks good right?"
"Omg! Yes!! We are going to get him this time!.. But what is it?.." He asked and she showed him the brown mixture.
"Very liqudy Chocolate pudding, so it doesn't clog the guns. That it kinda smells like Dad's cologne, but completely easy to clean up and eat." She added with a smile and Tom couldn't wait to get back at Tord for his prank with Decorating Tom's whole room like it was Christmas. She slide her satchel on and put her gun in it. She let Tom borrow one of her satchels which wasn't unusual. With a quick smile to each other they went down stairs.
-With Edd-
Bella and Tom came downstairs right as Pa set down the plates, Tom sat beside Edd and Bella beside him. Bella looked at her plate, she looked at Pa.
"I'm surprised that you didn't burn it." She said and he acted hurt, while the rest of the table snickered even Dad did.
"Why Would you say that?" Pa asked well more like whined, she looked at him seriously.
"Because I have seen you burn water, air, and even fire. FIRE PA. YOU ACTUALLY BURNED FIRE!" She replied which echoed another laugh from Dad. Pa paused to think for a second and she began to eat what he had made.
"I only did that once though..."he Werewolf sighed in defeat, Bella smiled in victory, "Fine what do you want since you won?" It was their little tradition, if someone bested the other person they won something. Bella paused and thought for a second, she smiled and looked at him.
"Well, Could I get a new Sketch book and a hug?" She asked, and he nodded in agreement before beginning to eat. Tord looked at her shocked, she grabbed her plate and took it to the sink.
"Why would you ask for something like that its so simple!?" He asked her, she looked at him.
"Well I kinda filled up my old sketch book, and I just really wanted a hug." She answered him as if it were obvious. "Besides do you know how many cool things come from peoples head in art and stories?" She exclaimed before walking out to the other room and picked up Edd's cat Ringo who had just come out to the other room. Ringo purred happily, as she was being petted. Tom soon finished his breakfast too, putting his plate in the sink and walking out to Bella. They both ducked behind the couch and pulled out the water guns. They knew it was Tord who finished next because he hit his large black scaly wings on the door. As soon as he was in range they fired. Covering him head to toe in the brown goo.
"Ah!" Tord screeched in surprise, the two attackers laughed at him.
"So Tord, how does it feel to now be the Evil Turd?!" Bella asked with a laugh as she and Tom high fived. Pa and Dad, walked out of the kitchen confused why Tord had Screeched.
"Hva i helvete er det som skjer?! Jeg trodde jeg hørte et jenta skrik!" (What the hell is going on?! I thought I heard a girly scream!) Dad yelled into the room, and Tord glared at him. Pa saw Bella and Tom laughing as half of their bodies hung off the back of the couch. Bella looked up and froze, as Tord stood over her. He looked angry, really angry, she picked up her gun and threw it at his face. Which made him more angry, she flung herself at him, trying to pin him down. Paul was confused why she had done that until he saw the flames coming from Tord's eyes.
"Pat Help me get him before-" Paul yelled to his partner but was cut off as Tord flung Bella into a book case. Before looking at where Tom had been moments ago. Tom now stood behind him and hit him on the back of the head with a book. Darkness filled Tord's vision as he fell unconscious to the floor.

Word count: 1247

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