Chapter 2

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Introducing myself

You arrive at One of Noah's Friends House
Noah: Hey guys I hope you don't mind I bought I my new friend (y/n)
???: No that's Fine
You: Umm so who are all of you?
???: I'm Finn that's Caleb, Gaten, and Sadie
As he points to the three kids standing next to him
You: Hi I hope you don't mind I came...

God she is so nice and beautiful I have to stop she doesn't like me back but, just look at her who wouldn't like her she is perfect god a sound like a sappy love story....

Maybe I do like Noah I mean he has been so nice to me on this first day and doesn't seem that bad but what if he doesn't like me and that's just how he is I mean he has friends that are girls for crying out loud maybe I'm just another friend....

Awww look at them they would be so cute together...

I'm confused why would he bring a strange girl into my house like is he ok omg he likes her doesn't he...

            GATEN'S THOUGHTS
(Y/n) doesn't seem that bad....

            SADIE'S THOUGHTS
Why did Noah bring her? Maybe he likes her maybe oh my god he knew i like girls and brought me a girl this is just amazing thank you to him wait but how would he know....

Why is everything silent should I say something maybe they know me and Millie kissed on accident... I doubt she likes me I mean she is pretty but, not my type....

Millie: So what does everyone wanna do??
Breaking the silence
Sadie: I don't know about you but, I'm bored so I'm up for anything
Gaten: Well we don't know much about (y/n) we know nothing about her expect her name so maybe we should get to know her??
Everyone stares at you and there is an awkward pause
You: Well umm okay... you already know my name so I'm (your age) and my birthday is (your birthday) and (whatever your story life is you tell it okay ☺️...) 
After you finish talking everyone decides to watch a movie and before you know it's 8 at night
Sadie: I have to go guys bye
Gaten: me too bye
Caleb: yeah bye
Everyone leaves but Noah walks up to you
Noah: Uh.. (y/n) I umm... you wanna..umm maybe sometime..when you aren't busy hang out...together...alone?
You: Are you asking me on a date?
Noah: Umm.. if that's okay with you?
You: It's fine but I wanna get to know each other first okay so on that date we need a place where we can just talk and hang out if that's ok
Noah: I would very much like that so Umm maybe on Friday or Saturday maybe and then I could pick you up at...
You: Saturday afternoon so we can spend the whole day together *smiles* at 12 my address is...
You give him your address and he rides off with a huge smile as you do that same

It gets lonely Noah x Reader  |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now