Chapter 34

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  Life is unpredictable

Still your POV
It was about a few days after we left the hospital and me and Noah intend to live what might be my last few days or weeks or months on earth to the fullest, with of course our friends
Jeremy:Lets take a trip to the city!?
Noah:No! That's a lot of walking!!
You:I don't care! I wanna feel normal!
Ever since we left I haven't been able to breathe correctly so I have one of those things that's full of air and I have to have it with me at all times. (if you have watched "The fault in our starts" then you should know what I'm talking about) When we reach the city it was about 12 pm and we took a train so yeah... nothing really interesting has happened besides getting pizza.. we then pass by this place called serendipity (it's an actual place in New York..) and we get frozen hot chocolate, which is amazing! (Also an actual thing)
Maddie:This taste so amazing!
Sophia:I think we should get full by this...
Caleb:I'm so full I don't think I can have anymore...
after that we just walked around and went into to stores and took pictures... after the day was over we took the train back home and everyone came over to my place it was crazy...
Nataila:So (y/n)? What do you want for dinner?
You:Umm... (your favorite thing to eat)?!
Nataila:Okay that will be ready shortly
Charlie:So (y/n)... do you need anything..?
Ever since we got back from the hospital everyone has been babying me like I'm gonna break... like I'm fragile! It's annoying!!
You:I'm fine!
Sadie:God (y/n) you don't have to snap
You:Really!! You all are fucking annoying!!
Gaten:Woah! Watch the profanity
You:Shut up!!
Noah:Are you Okay?!
You:No! I'm not okay!!
I run up to my room and Noah follows behind
I run into my room and slam the door, to only have it open...
You:I'm sorry...
I turn towards Noah and started crying
Noah:There is nothing to be sorry about Okay...
He walks over to me and pulls me into a tight hug
You:I just want this to be over..
(Yes I am using a line from st)
Noah:It will eventually
You:But I want it to be now!
I just melted into Noah's arms and cried. After a few seconds I passed out from crying to hard and I couldn't breathe
End of your POV

Noah's POV
I couldn't believe it... (y/n) just collapsed in my arms.. I carried her down stairs and I couldn't hear anything all I said was "she passed out" and then I look up and I'm in a car, and then after a few seconds I'm in the hospital sitting down in the waiting room with everyone looking worried.. I was just out of it. My heart aches and my head was confused and I look up to see Dr.Mazer once again... she was talking but I couldn't hear her until I could yet again it was faint but there
Dr.Mazer:She is Okay... but she might not wake up for a couple of hours and this time the tumor is fully grown
My eyes teared up

It gets lonely Noah x Reader  |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now