Night Of Fun. (Smut)

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Just a little freaky shit (smut) before I continue the other stuff. If you don't wanna read, you can skip.

Skar's POV

I wash dishes as the sun starts to set. Can't wait to go to sleep, I've been so stressed after me and Jack's date night. I feel like I have so much shit to do and not enough time to do it.

"Hey babe! Finally got my room cleaned! Whatcha doin?" Jack asks walking into the kitchen.

"Hey hun! Just doin dishes. It's about time you cleaned that mess." I say.

"You've been doing so much the past couple days. You need a break!" He says kissing my head.

"How about I relieve some of the stress?" He whispers seductively in my ear.

"What do you mean?" I ask suspiciously.

"You'll see."

"Hey guys! We're going out for a bit, Ethan will be here though, you don't mind do ya?" Mark asks as him and Amy walk in.

"Not at all! Go do your shit." Jack says, I nod in agreement.

"Cool! We'll see ya later!" Amy says, they leave and I finally finish the dishes. Jack grabs my arm and drags me to his room.

"What are you doing Jack?" I ask.

"Shh, don't worry, just relax." He says softly.

We boutta get freaky!
3rd Perspective

The door shut with a loud slam behind the two as they entered the room. Skar winced, looking behind her. The broad's eyes were widened with curiosity as she bit her bottom lip.
"Hey babe, what's going o-"

Jack snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her slender body against his. He pushed her against the door roughly, his face buried in the crook of her neck. His tongue slid across her smooth skin, nipping every inch tenderly.

Skar's mouth gaped open slightly as she froze. A warm flush ran across her cheeks as her breath hitched in the back of her throat. "J-Jack," she whined, her voice quivering as he lightly sucked on her skin. The dark haired man's blue eyes adverted to hers as he slowly pulled his mouth away, licking his bottom lip slowly.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while," he murmured, his voice low. He slowly leaned to her forehead, his lips softly pecking her affectionately. Skarlet tenderly held her neck, her breathing slowly returning to normal. She closed her eyes, hesitating. Jack looked at the floor, pulling away from her.

Skar opened her sapphire blue eyes, clutching onto his shirt. She pulled him back to her and pressed herself against him. A sly smirk tugged on the corner of her lips. "Show me what else you wanted to do," she giggled quietly, turning from him as she slowly swayed her hips. Jack's eyes lit up as he slid his hands down the hem of her sweats.

"Don't test me babygirl," he mumbled, his lips brushing against her ear. She shuddered before quickly turning around. She pushed him onto the bed behind them. The man's eyes widened slightly as he looked her from her head to her toes. He bit his lip. She slyly smirked, crawling onto him. Her hand slid against his chest, the fabric shifting beneath her touch. She leaned closer to him, her lips meeting his.

Jack's hands gripped onto her hips, rubbing her hipbones with his thumbs. He bit her bottom lip, his eyes meeting hers. She grew flushed and closed her eyes. His lips formed a smirk against hers before he slipped her sweats off, kicking them to the floor. He pushed her onto the bed in a quick, strong movement. He leaned down, biting at the slim sleeves of her tank top. She clutched the sheets, her eyes filled with affection as she watched him. She slid her hands up his shirt, feeling his chest. Jack leaned back, pulling his shirt off. Skar did the same, slowly covering her chest with her arms.

His lips brushed against her jaw, moving slowly down to her neck. He flicked his tongue against her skin, his lips brushing against her collarbone. He tenderly nipped at her again before sliding further down. He kissed the top of her cleavage, leaving small love marks against her skin with sharp sucks of his mouth. She shivered as his dark hair brushed against her breasts. His warm tongue slid with ease down her stomach, reaching the lower half of her belly. Her fingers slid into his hair, slowly gripping onto it. She bit her lower lip, squeezing her eyes shut.

Jack bit the hem of her panties, his tongue then circling the skin. She shivered, her back slowly arching. Her breaths came in quiet pants. He smirked, flicking his tongue against the smooth fabric of her underwear. He slid back up, shoving his sweats off. He wore white boxers with pink mustaches.

"J-Jack," Skar whined, opening her eyes. Her sapphire gaze shifted to his underwear. She covered her mouth, giggling. "You wear Markiplier boxers?!" She cheekily grinned, her voice muffled behind her hands. Jack grunted lowly, scowling. He looked away, his bottom lip sticking out. Skar giggled more, cupping his face with her hand. She turned his face towards her. She bashfully looked away before meeting his gaze. "Does that mean he wears septiceye boxers? I always knew Septiplier was real." She teased, grinning.

Jack let out a low growl as he leaned close to her. "Don't play around with me," he threatened, his hand sliding down her panties. Her eyes widened as she bit her lip, feeling his hand against her. She leaned closer to him. "Or what?" She chuckled quietly, giving him the same threatening tone. He grunted before leaning against her. His hips roughly rubbed against her, his member poking her belly. Her chin slowly lifted as she closed her eyes, gripping his boxers. Jack slid to the foot of the bed, pulling her panties down with him. His tongue flicked against her clit, his tongue tip moving in slow circles against her skin. A moan slipped from her lips, she gripped onto the bed with a deadly grip. Her toes curled beneath her as she slid her left foot against the fabric. Jack continued to swirl his warm tongue against her, gripping her hips. He pulled her closer to him, his tongue sliding up and down. Skar's breathing grew heavy as she bit her bottom lip, her back arching. She slid against the bed, small whines escaping from her. Pleasure tingled throughout her body.

Jack grunted, licking his lips as he pulled away. He looked down, slipping his boxers off. He hovered above her, his hand holding hers. He held her arm above her head and leaned into her neck, kissing it affectionately. He used his other hand to slowly move her legs apart. He slowly brushed his tip against her opening. She slid her nails against his back as he slowly slid himself in. She winced, squeezing her eyes. She breathed heavily against his shoulder. He brushed her hair back, rubbing her temple with his forehead. "Relax," he murmured quietly, kissing her forehead. She nodded quickly, biting her lip. Jack thrust slowly and carefully, kissing her neck softly. He murmured sweet nothings against her skin. The broad moaned softly, her head falling back onto the soft pillow beneath her. Her breathing quivered. She dug her nails deeper into his back, scraping against his skin as he grew faster.

Jack's bottom lip quivered as he closed his eyes, his breathing quickening as well. Skar shivered beneath him as she slowly moved her hips back in forth. She moaned loudly. He slid his finger against her lips, looking at the door. "Your brother," he grunted, trying hard to keep himself quiet too. Skar bit her bottom lip, her moans coming in small, quiet whines. Jack thrust harder into her, his arms wobbling beneath his weight. He panted lowly, his speed growing. Skar's back arched as she let a loud moan slip. Jack grimaced, grabbing his member as he slid out of her. Skar panted heavily, "W-Why did you-" She mumbled, slowly pulling him closer to her again.

Jack kissed her lips quickly, wincing as she brushed against him. The man slid the condom off, scrunching his nose as he threw it on the floor. He slid next to her, pulling her body next to his. He was moist with sweat. He wrapped his arms around her, snuggling up against her. His face was near the crook of her neck. His hot breaths hit her skin. She shivered, her fingers sliding against his wet hair.

"Let me go I need to shower," She huffed. Jack quickly shook his head.

"Later," He mumbled against her skin, pulling her even closer. The corner of her lips crept into a small smile as she kissed the top of his head, tracing shapes against his chest.

"Later." She repeated, her voice in a low murmur.

I'm just gonna point out that a very talented friend helped me write this, I could never be as descriptive as him let alone smut. I'm not gonna say his name tho cause I don't know if he wants that.

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