Life's Better.

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2 Weeks Later

"Okay but we still won!" I shout.

"Nuh uh uh Skar! I'm the best!" Joey shouts. A week and a half ago Mark and crew introduced me to Team Edge. I fuckin love them, they are hilarious! We just got done shooting the mini tank warfare challenge.

"I wouldn't say the best, more like full of himself." I state, making everyone in the warehouse laugh.

"Oh you're just jealous noob!" I walk up to him and smack his arm.

"I'VE BEEN HIT!" He shouts dramatically falling to the ground. We all laugh more.

"Who's the noob now?" I ask.

"That's my girlfriend!" Jack yells across the room.

"Damn straight!" I yell back. Everyone keeps laughing, some falling on the floor.

"And that's going in the vlog!" Matt shouts walking out from behind the red and blue walls. I go up to Jack and kiss him on the cheek.

Time Skip

"What a fun day." I say as we walk through the door to our home.

"Yeah full of laughs." Mark says.

"But I'm tired, can we go to bed?" Amy asks Mark.

"Sure, I'm pretty tired too. Night guys." They go to his room.

"Night." I say kindly.

"Have fun." Jack says, earning a glare from Mark. I giggle.

"You goof." I laugh.

"I am no longer a goofy boy. I'm a charming man." He states.

"Right, well you're definitely charming."

"I love you Skarlet." He says hugging me from behind.

"I love you too Jack." I kiss him.

"Man I'm getting really fooking tired." He chuckles.

"Then go to bed. You've been working a lot lately. You need your rest." I say softly.

"God what would I do without you?" He kisses my forehead and goes to bed.

Next Day!

I wake up and dress into ripped black jeans and a Panic! At The Disco shirt. Today's Amy's day to cook so I'm just gonna go on my phone.

"Skarlet! Breakfast is ready!" She's done already?

"Coming!" I walk out to see everyone sitting at the table.

"Man how long was I on my phone." I mumble. I sit down and eat.

"Matt and Amanda invited us to dinner today at the studio. The whole crews coming." Mark announces.

"What's the occasion?" I ask.

"Matt is writing his first book, just a small achievement celebration." Amy explains.

"And Jack has a surprise announcement." Mark states.

"Oh really?" I ask.

"Yeah I thought it would be better to announce to everyone at the same time. I already have an announcement video made and ready to be uploaded." He explains.

"Well cool, I'm excited. I'll go get my clothes ready." I get up and go to my room.

"Hmm, well I guess I could actually keep the outfit. I can wear vans and put my hair up, and do make up." I put my hair in a ponytail, put some make up on, and put on my purple vans. I walk out looking for Jack, but don't see him in the living room. I knock on his door, then open it to see him slouching on his chair.

"You okay, Sean?" I ask.

"Since when did you start calling me Sean?" He smirks.

"It finally clicked. Jack fits you well, but I personally think Sean fits you more."

"Why thank you. And to answer your original question. I'm just stressed. There is so much stuff to do and not enough time to do it."

"Aw babe, you need take a break. One thing at a time." I rub his shoulders.

"I know, I'm tryin." He sighs. I kiss him on the cheek.

"Why don't you take a little nap? I know you hate sleep, but it'd be good for ya. I'll wake you up before the party." I say.

"Okay fine, but I still think sleep is for the week!" He exclaims making me chuckle.

"You also think speed is key."

"It is!"

"I know it's true! I'm just saying you think a lot of things." I laugh.

"I'll see ya later." He says. I smile and shut the door. I head to my room and decide to relax myself. Once I start to lay down I feel a sharp pain go through my back.

"Ow!" I wince. I stay still for a minute and the pain starts to fade.

"What the hell?" I mumble. Don't tell me it's a back problem.

"Don't worry about it Skar. It's probably nothing." I say to myself. I lay still while looking at the ceiling.

"Maybe some mindfulness would be good. Haven't done that in awhile." I state. My therapist use to have me do it. It helped, but I completely forgot about it. I close my eyes and take deep breaths, focusing on each body part. This is nice, relaxing.

Time Skip

I go to Sean's room to wake him up. I open the door to see he's sound asleep. I smile, I don't think I have ever seen him so peaceful. I walk over to the side of his bed and lightly shake him.

"Sean. It's time to get up." I say softly. His eyes start to open and he smiles when he sees me.

"Hello beautiful." He says, smiling.

"Hi handsome. Better get ready or we're gonna be late." I say before leaving the room.

Sean's Pov

After Skarlet leaves the room I get up and get dressed. I wear a black shirt that says "No fun" with skinny jeans and black sneakers. I put my green jacket on and walk out. Everyone is waiting for me in the living room.

"Heard you took a nap for once. Feel better?" Mark asks.

"Yep! Let's go!" We then leave. After a half hour we arrive at the studio. Everyone's there talking, laughing, and playing beer pong.

"Alright everyone! Glad you all could make it! As you know I am working on a new book based off of Battle Universe and I must say it's going great." Matt announces. Everyone cheers for him.

"And I also believe we have an announcement from Jack! Go ahead Jack!" He says, everyone then looks at me.

"Thank you Matt. So recently I got a call asking if I wanted to be interviewed on the best late night show in Ireland called the Late Late show and I gladly accepted!" I shout. Everyone cheers, I look over to Skar who had a face full of shock.

"Seriously?" She asks.

"Yeah baby! And I want you to come with! Maybe we can explore Ireland!"

"I've always wanted to see Ireland!" She exclaims before hugging me.

"When do we leave?" She asks.

"3 days!"

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