This Is How My Life Is.

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Whelp. This is my life right now. My twin brother, Ethan, wants me to move in with him and his friends. He has literally been trying to convince me for ten minutes.

"Come on Skar, pleaase!" He whines.

"What about dad? He's still sick."

"Aunt Mira is moving in with dad to take care of him."

"Why do you want me moving in with you so bad?" I ask, pacing the floor.

"Because..I'm concerned for you, after everything you've been through lately-"

"Ethan." I cut him off sternly.

"I just want to make sure YOU'RE okay." He finishes, I sigh.

"...Okay! Okay fine." I give in.

"Yaaay!" He exclaims in a funny voice, causing me to giggle.

"BUT.." I start.

"Oh no. Now what?"

"I better get my own room."

"Of course! I have one ready for you!"

"Alright." I smile.

"Your flight leaves tomorrow at 10:30, and since its about a 6hr flight you should be here by 4:30." He explains.

"Okay, I better start packing. Love you bro bro!"

"Love ya sis." I hang up. I love my brother I really do, but he is the biggest pain in the ass I've ever known. I giggle at the thought of how much he hasn't really changed in both appearance and personality. Ethan already told my dad that he was gonna try to get me to move in with him, he actually agreed. I walk to his bedroom to check on him.

"How are you doing dad?" I ask nicely.

"I'm fine sweetheart. Could you get me a water? It's time for my meds." He responds.

"Right, on it." I go and get him a glass of water, I walk back in his room and give it to him.

"Did you talk to your brother?" He asks before taking his medicine.

"Yes actually. He convinced me to move in with him."

"That's great!"

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay dad? I don't want to leave you like this." I ask with concern.

"I'll be fine honey. Besides, your Aunt Mira is moving in tomorrow before you leave."

"Alright, I guess."

"You're 21 years old, Skarlet, you need to live your life! I'm just as worried about you as your brother is." He holds my hand and squeezes it.

"Man you guys really planned it out before he talked to me." I chuckle, making him chuckle as well.

"You better go pack." He suggest.

"Okay, you should rest." I also suggest.

"I will."

"Love you dad."

"Love you too Skarlet." I go to my room and start to pack up. I pack my clothes in one suitcase, then my posters and some books in another, and my electronics in a bag. I don't have many electronics, just a phone and a laptop, but I also put my earbuds in the bag. I finally finish packing and check the clock, it reads 8:24pm.

"I should probably get to bed if I wanna wake up in time." I say to myself, I change into my pajamas and go to bed.

The Next Morning

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