part 6

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NOTE: you can choose between tyuzu and jennie for taehyung cause if you dont like what i make i cant re-change it so vote as soon as possible thank you
                   End note

We are so tired we all went to take a rest...


Jennie: good morning guys

Rose: hmm...what time is it?

Lisa: 3:00 am..

Jisoo: woah...i forgot..we have recording today..

Tyuzu: same...yah y/n wake up

Y/n: im awake dont worry..

You guys eat and took a shower and put on some clothes and go to the recording studio

Guard: good morning..

All BP: morning..

Manager: girls.. come faster..

Y/n: wow this room looks lit

Jisoo: i know right..

Jennie: recording time

After a few hours

Tyuzu: where should we eat lunch..

Lisa: ahmm... lets go to a cafè

Jisoo: youre right

Y/n: tyuzu lets used youre car.. i dont want to walk..

Tyuzu: ok😊

In the car going into the cafè jennie notice that you were not in a happy mood..

Jennie: whispered* lisa..whats wrong with Y/n?

Lisa: dont know...rose?

Rose: dont know either....

We arrived at the cafè they are still talking about you..

Y/n: Yah! What are you talking about?

Tyuzu: nothing..y/n

Y/n: come on tell me.. i wont be angry or i dont know noisy..

Jisoo: we notice that your not ok..

Y/n: what?.. what do you mean..?

Rose: we ment that your not happy..

Jennie: yea.. when we wake you up your always happy but i while ago.. your not..

Y/n: maybe.. i was just tired..🙂

Tyuzu: ok.. but if you need help your friends are here ok?

Y/n: ok.. mom hahahaha

Jennie: hahahhaa nice one y/n..

Tyuzu: what do you mean mom im not the oldest..

Y/n: i know...

Lisa: you just speak like a mom hahaha

Jisoo: yah! Enough chiti chati im hungry

Rose: hahaha ok..

Few minutes..

Jennie: wooh.. im full

Taehyun: Hey guys!

Rose: hi taehyung

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