part 27

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Not edited actually

Y/n: your the one who keep saying that cause your the one who is adopted!

Dhayun: Thats it i had enough of you!

Dhayun slap you on the hard

Rose: what the heck!

Sana: nice move dhayun

Tyuzu: Y/n are you ok?

Momo: course she's not stupid

Lisa: guys...jennie and jisoo are not answering their phone

Jihyo: you guys are so dumb..we already told you there gonna go to the to the place were we message jennie hahaha

Y/n: You crazy little-..

Nayeon: woah hold your horses we gotta go are job is complete..good luck finding your unnies

???: wait!..were not even done yet

Rose: J-joy?

Joy: hello...rose...

Rose: what do you want?!

Irene: what girls always want..boys..right..y/n!?

Y/n: ...look irene..its not my keep pushing yourself to taehyung..when he doesnt even like you..he keeps telling me that your....freaking crazy about him he's asking for my help..and-..

Irene: if you keep telling that lie again mark my words im gonna put you in a cage with hungry lions!!

Lisa: like if you can!

Seulgi: hurt her up irene

Irene pulled your hair and slapped your face while still trying to pull your hair.. (you guys were outside where nobody is cause it has a small cliff plus there are no guards there sorry)


Irene: little y/n scared...well you should be!

Rose: let go of-..

???: Yah! What are you doing to them!

Joy: ...Oppa sungjae..w-what are you doing know we have a da-..

Sungjae: shut up joy! Rose are you ok...

Rose: what are you doing sungjae..

Sungjae: saving you..

Rose: we dont beed that..but tha-..

Joy: OPPAA!!!(she said while she was heating up)

Sungajae: shut up joy were not even dating!

Y/n: sungjae..let us be..we dont want you to get tucked in..plea-..

Sungjae: No...not today...y/n park


Tae: umm..isnt weird that y/n didnt respond to my message..

Jk: hyung im even calling her she's not answering..

Jin: jisoo didnt came up to the company she said she'll go there

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