Chapter Three

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  • Dedicated to Laura - for helping get through anything x

"Goodbye Ron, see you at Christmas yeah", I bent down to my sisters level to kiss her cheek. I can't believe that time has come again where we have to say goodbye, I know that it's for the best but I still wish she could stay here with us. 

"I love you Ronniekins, be good for mum" I saw Max grab her in a hug and kiss the top of her head, "have a safe flight and don't forget to call the minute you land" 

I knew this was hard for Ronnie, I know that she didn't quite understand why she had to leave us all the time but i know it's for the better. While placing all of Ronnie's bags in the back of the waiting taxi, I saw Ronnie race towards our eldest brother Chase, "Chase, Chase, Chase! Aren't you going to give me a hug. Please Chase, I need the luck you give", I watched her big brown eyes as they raced over his face and his features trying to pick up on his mood. Ronnie was special like that, she knew what we were all thinking and feeling without even having to ask. 

Chase came picked Ronnie up and sat her on his hip, "Good luck baby girl, you're gonna do great I promise" he set her back on the ground and gave her one last hug as she climed into the taxi with one of the maids. 

All three of us King siblings stood on the sidwalk waving as she slowy drove away from us and towards JFK. Once the taxi was out of sight, we all turned and slowly trudged our was back up to our penthouse. 

As much as I missed my sister when she was gone, I knew she benefitted from staying with our mum, i knew she got the extra care and attention that she needed and that's all that mattered. 

I saw the boys enter their rooms so I decided to call it a night and get some sleep. Tomorrow was a big day - the first day back after summer and it was also Chase and Max's senior year. 

                                kisses, Bella xx

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