Chapter Four

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I woke covered in a light sheen of sweat with my heart racing 'not this again, damn' I thought to myself, I glanced down at my clock and saw the bright numbers flashing an obnoxious red telling me that it was currently 3:30am. Sighing and mentally cursing myself, I lay back down on my bed and replayed the reacurring nightmare over in my head. I don't know why I had suddenly had it agiain considering I haven't had it in ages but I guess that's the thing about nightmares, they sneak up on you when you least expect it. 

Whilst laying in bed, I thought about what I had to look forward to my junior year. A plus side was that it was only one year away from being a senior, but a down side was that next year when i finally was a senior, i wouldnt have Chase and Max by my side - I wouldnt be ruling the school along side my big brothers - for once in my life, i would be completly alone without my siblings. The thought both thrilled me and terrified me, I would finally get to be my own person and not stand in someone else's shadow but on the other hand, I would have to face the world all by myself and I'm not sure I am completly ready for that. I would have no one there to stick up for me or defend me when i needed it, sure I would have my friends but they dont quite have the fierce protective streak running through them when it comes to me like my brother do. 

Unlike senior year for myself, I knew 100% what senior year would entail for my brothers - the King Boys would be Kings of the school and I would once again be considered the princess of the castle meaning no one is to look at me, touch me or hurt me in any shape or form without recieving the consequences of doing so from my brothers. 

I realised that i am being quite selfish just thinking about me and how the new school year will be for me but I am telling you the story of life as a rich girl so it is justified. 

At about quarter to five i finally drifted off back to sleep so when my alarm started blasting at 6:45 it was safe to say i was completly exhausted and not in the best of moods and too top it all off, Max came bursting through my door which a bucket of ice water threating me if i didnt get my ass in the shower by 7. 

Let me set the record striaght by saying that one of my biggest hates is being rushed. I cant stand the feeling of not being completly with it. Ugh! Today is gonna suck monkey balls - I can just tell.

                kisses, Bella xx 


I know my chapters are really short but I'm new and just trying to get the hang of everything. I'll try and make my next one longer. Kisses xox

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