Chapter Five (Part One)

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  • Dedicated to Lou x

Well today fucking sucked! Just like i knew it would. 


The three of us pulled into the School’s parking lot and headed straight to our reserved parking spaces; normally this parking lot is just reserved for Seniors but being a King I have certain privileges - not that i asked for them, i just seem to get them. 

On my right, I saw Max get out his car first, he walked to the back and casually leaned against his boot waiting for his friends to come and approach him so he can begin his day as normal. Max had a routine in the morning, everyday when we arrived he waiting by his car for his two best friends Joe and Colin before making his way into the building. I looked to my left and saw Chase already out of his car but he wasn't waiting for anyone, they were waiting for him as usual. A massive group of people always wait at Chase’s parking spot for him, I think its cute but Chase says its annoying because he never gets a minute to himself. When he rounds to the back of his car to meet the group he pulls out his one and stares at it with a murderous look on his face. I heard someone yell out for Chase and just like that the look slipped of his face and was replaced which a usual smirk. Typical. Chase doesn’t involve anyone from School in his problems whether that being personal, family or any other problems, he believes that its no-one else's business so why should he include them. I understand his point of view but sometimes its nice just to receive a bit of support to help guide you through these problems and dilemmas. I sat in my car for another five minutes just trying to gather my thoughts and give myself a small pep talk before entering the building. I’m glad that something distracted Chase otherwise I know he would be dragging me out of this car and demanding to know what was going on. As if on que, I received a text from Chase telling me to hurry up or i will be late for the first day.

I walked through the big red doors and saw all my friends leaning against my locker, as I made my way over to them i braced myself for the continuous stream of questions about how my summer was, what i did, where i went, how my brothers are. I didn’t have a care for these questions really because i knew i would have to answer them at least four times today. I placed my back against the lockers and just watched the other students walk past and go about there lives. My eyes scanned the hallway for my best friend Laura, Lou was different from the other people i hung out with, Lou was never one of the girls who bullied me before she has been by my side since forever. She was there before having the last name King meant something, she knew me when i had braces and was a little bit chubby. To me, Lou is my sister. ‘Where is she?’ I thought to myself, Lou is always late but this is cutting it a bit close even for her, I pulled out my phone about to text her and find out where the hell she is when a loud bang catches my attention - Lou has arrived. She always was someone to make an entrance, she grinned at me as she noticed me amongst our friends. We wrapped our arms around each other, this is what i needed, my best friend. I just needed a big hug from her and just like that i felt my mind begin to clear. I was about to question her about why she was so late but I was cut off by the bell ringing. Damn; maybe later. 

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