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the worst kind of painis when you're struggling just to stop the t e a r sfromf a l l i n g

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the worst kind
of pain
is when you're
just to stop the
t e a r s
f a l l i n g


The screaming took an hour to stop, the inner battle the boy seemed to have with himself was heartbreaking. John regrets saying one thing to Marcos and it was that the boy looked like demon, he had no clue if the boy could hear them. It could break him more.
John walked into the room where the boy was only to see blood tracks coming from his nose as his head was lolled to the side unconscious. The boy's skin was freezing to the touch, he looked in pain. Lifting the boy up he move him to his bed before covering the boy with blankets.

"John?" Andy questioned poking his head into the room "is he going to be okay?"

A small smile formed on Johns lips "He's going to be just fine Andy"

The boy shot up from his position, eyes darting around the room taking in the details. His breathing finally calmed when his eyes caught sight of Andy

"Andy" he breathed "are you guys alright?"
The boy's eyes searched the people standing in the room for injuries. He saw nothing.

"Yeah, we're okay. Are you?" Andy asked walking towards him, he tools the boy's face in his hands searching for injuries

"Yeah, I'm good" Andy smiled at the boy's response before pulling the boy to rest in the crook of his neck.


Erebus walked down the hall of the underground in search for something to do, Andy and Lauren were eating with their family. So he was alone. Nothing he wasn't used to but still hard to deal with.

"Ere?" Andy called after him "You hungry? My mom wanted to see if you're hungry"

"A little, I don't want to intrude"

"Ere" Andy threw high head back before grabbing the boy's hand dragging him into the room to eat.

"Thank you" Ere said looking at the woman in front of him, a small smile forming on his lips

"You're welcome. Glad to finally meet you, I'm Caitlin."

"Erebus, sorry you probably already knew that from Andy and Lauren"

"It's quite alright"

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