Abused Demigods

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It was just an ordinary day at Camp Half-Blood. Gaia had just been defeated, Leo returned with Calypso, everything was going great! So of course, Chiron had to ruin all their fun! He had asked the seven to show a new camper around.

When he asked this Percy looked at him confused "Do you really need all of us to do it?"

Chiron ran a hand through his beard. "We have had trouble with this girl. No matter what we do she won't open up to anyone! In fact, she's just about afraid of everything! I was hoping that at least one of you could find some way to get to her." So just like that they went down to the Hermes Cabin waiting outside.

Connor and Travis came out with a little girl who looked about ten behind them. "Her name is Misty." They said in unison then they walked back inside.

"Man, they creep me out when they do that!" Leo shuddered, and the others laughed. They quickly turned back to the girl when she jumped in fear.

Annabeth knelt down in front of her. "My name is Annabeth. Yours is Misty right?" Annabeth gave her a little wave and the girl jumped back in fear. "Oh... I'm sorry..."

Piper and Hazel walked over "Let us try." Annabeth nodded and took a step back "Hi I'm Piper! And this is Hazel." Hazel gave a wave and once again the girl jumped away.

Leo rolled his eyes "So clearly women don't know how to handle kids." He got several glares for that but if he noticed he ignored it "Let Jason and I have a crack at this!" before they even took a step towards her the girl started crying. "Ok so that didn't work..."

Frank tried turning into a puppy but even that didn't help.

Annabeth sighed "Chiron was right, she won't open up to anyone!"

Percy looked over at Misty and something clicked in his mind. "I want to test something..." The others watched as he knelt in front of her. "My name is Percy. Please don't be scared, I just want to make sure of something ok?" Everyone was curious as Percy lifted his hand. The girl jumped in fear. Percy instantly took his hand down and his face took on one of pity. "Oh, you poor thing..." this time he just held out his hand to her. He met her eyes "I promise I am not going to hit you." The others were surprised when he said that.

Misty looked at him with a bit of confusion, so Percy continued. "Was it your mom or your dad?"

"I-I..." she looked around in fear.

"It's ok." Percy quickly added "You don't have to tell me. Just, if you tell us then we might be able to find out who your real parent is."

Now she looked at him skeptically "But she'll be mad..." she started sniffling.

"Hey don't cry." He tried to comfort her "So it was your mom that hit you?" she nodded sadly, and the others were shocked. "Could you maybe tell me her name? She deserves to pay for what she did to you."

The girl shook "Wh-why should I trust you? What i-if you just t-take me back?"

Percy gave her a weak smile "You can trust me, I know what you're going through." The others had no idea what he was talking about, but some were afraid they might have had a guess. They hoped they were wrong.

"H-how?" she asked still skeptical.

He looked up into the sky as if remembering something "Right now you are asking yourself 'why?' Why did this happen to you? You wonder if you had done something wrong. In fact, I'm sure she told you that you that something was your fault, but I'm telling you right now it wasn't. You're wondering if you should go back to her, she caused you pain, but you still love her, don't you?" she nodded weakly "Misty that woman doesn't deserve your love. She did things to you that no parent should do to a child. How long has it been going on?"

"Since I was about five..." she answered. "Wait if you knew all that then...?"

Percy just nodded. "Can you keep a secret?" she nodded. Percy lifted the corner of his shirt and ignored his friends standing behind him. "My step dad used to gamble and drink a lot." He let Misty trace a jagged scar along his hip. "When he was angry... he would take his anger out on me..." everyone gasped not sure how to process this information.

They all handled it differently. Leo's hair caught on fire with rage, after their quest Percy had become a good friend of his. How dare someone do that to him?! Jason also was angry, in the distance thunder boomed as he tried to conceal it.

He would later deny it, but Frank let a few tears drip down his cheek. Piper and Hazel were also crying. But Annabeth was worst of all. She had fallen to her knees and was full on sobbing. How could she not have known?! She was Percy's girlfriend! She'd known him since they were 12! Did he never feel like he could tell her? Did she make it seem like she wouldn't have listened?

Misty jumped into Percy's arms and started crying. "Hey, it's ok..." he ran a hand through her hair. "It's been years since it happened. In fact, he's long gone. Now," he looked her in the eyes "Once you've gotten settled in would you tell me your mom's name, so Chiron can notify the authorities?" she nodded. Percy gave her a toothy grin "Good. Well all we need is for you to be claimed and I can take you to your cabin-ah. Looks like we don't have to wait long."

A golden hammer appeared over her head. "Woah..." she gasped.

Percy smiled "That means your dad is Hephaestus." He pointed over to Leo who was still partially on fire. "That means Leo will be your camp counselor. Don't worry, he'll cool down after a while. I'll take you on a tour of the rest of the camp until then though." Percy picked up Misty in his arms and showed her around.

~time skip~

Percy had gotten Misty settled in with Nyssa. She didn't want Percy to leave but her and Harley soon became friends. Percy promised that he would be back in the morning and that he would let her sit with him at breakfast if he wanted. (He was sure Chiron would give him a pass just this once.)

Percy was about to walk back to his cabin when something suddenly latched onto him. Make that multiple somethings...

"Hey guys..." he said acting like nothing was up. The had all wrapped him into a large group hug.

They finally released him, and he could see that all of them were crying. "Wh-why didn't you tell us?" Annabeth asked, "Why didn't you tell me Percy?"

He sighed and sat down in the grass, the rest followed. He pulled his knees up to his chest. "I-I'm not sure why I never told you. I know at the beginning it was because, I didn't want you to think of me as weak. But that was back when I first came to camp. I eventually became more confident and was willing to tell you, but by that point it would have been an awkward thing for me to just bring up out of the blue." They noticed tears start to drip down his face "I had just made so many friends... I didn't want to ruin that... by making you think of me differently."

"Oh Percy..." Annabeth wrapped her arms around him as he laid his head on his knees and cried. "We would never think of you differently! We're your friends. We're here to support you." The others nodded and joined in on the hug. They stayed like that for what felt like hours. None of them had a dry eye the entire time. But from that moment on they knew to always tell each other everything. No matter what they thought it would make people think of them. They would always be there for each other. No matter what.

(A/N - All right guys thanks for reading! :) Bye!)

Abused Demigods (A Percy Jackson One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now