Haru Yayoi x reader "Can't help falling in love with you"

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It’s finally happened. The world was finally coming to an end. The hate in mankind’s heart had finally destroyed what every living thing called home. World War 3 had begun a year ago. The United States, Russia and North Korea had started a war with one another. These three countries were not only the most dangerous, but the most equipped out of all other countries. They held control over nuclear power. Their hate for each other had finally led to the end of our species. The missiles had already been fired, in about 5 minutes Japan would be hit with its 3rd nuclear bomb. This one would effect the entirety of the land and all of its innocent inhabitants.

So, you looked at the sky emotionlessly. Tears were falling uncontrollably down your (s/c) skin. Around you was utter chaos, shops were being broken into, families were saying their final goodbyes, people screaming and running as if just by that their lives would be spared. But, there was simply no way to evade this, your fate was about to be sealed in less than 5 minutes now. In that time, you were wondering if you had at least made an impact in your life. Have you done anything important? That was what terrified you the most…not the dying but the idea that you were not a good person. Had you made an impact? Even on one person…?

You were reminded of everything you did right when you felt a soft tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see a tall blonde man with his hair in disarray. His gorgeous eyes hidden behind a pair of black glasses that had been broken in half, only a loose piece of tape holding the two pieces together. Despite this, he held the same goofy grin he always wore. The same grin that he had before all of this happened, the grin that his fans adored, the grin that made you fall in love with him. Immersed in the process of examining him, you had failed notice him searching his phone for something. You were snapped out of your trance when you heard the opening notes to the classic Elvis song. He extended his hand to you. “I don’t know about you, but I want to go out with the sight of your beautiful smile that lights up my life no matter the circumstance. So, may I please have your last dance?” He requested.

Wordlessly, you placed your smaller hand in his, wrapping your other around his neck, his arm circling around your waist as you waltzed to the beat of the music. You let the dying world drown out as you allowed yourself to become enchanted by his gaze, it was almost as if his eyes were the world. He was certainly your world and that feeling would never die. The song was nearing an end and so were your lives. That didn’t matter though, not when you were held in an embrace as comforting as his. With a final dunk that song had ended. “I love you.” He whispered as you moved closer and closer. Your lips had connected many times, but none as desperate and loving as this was. Or should have been. For the sweet relief of each other’s taste never came…BANG.

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