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Louis picked up a picture frame of him and Zayn and threw it across the wall. 

"You did what?" Louis said with pain in his voice.

"Lou, It didn't mean anything we were drunk. I'm telling you this because i want you to be able to trust me. I mean its not like you'd come out anyway so really, whats the big deal?" 

"What the fuck is your problem. Maybe I wouldn't have came out for Harry but I sure as hell like him. And when the fuck did you decide you like guys?" Louis was holding back the strong urge to punch him in the stomach. 

"I don't like guys." Zayn replies flatly. 

"You kissed Harry you fucking dumb ass! You're such a sad excuse for a friend. " A silent tear rolled down Louis face.

"Louis please. It really didn't mean anything. Please forgive me." Zayn begs.

Louis just shakes his head and turns to head to the front door. 

"Are you really going to throw away years of friendship over him? A guy you just met! A guy that you left all alone at my party. You're a coward Louis Tomlinson."

"Fuck you Zayn."

Louis walked out and slammed the door behind him. He felt so betrayed and he wasn't sure how he was going to cope without having his best friend by his side. He desperately wanted to go back him there and talk things out with Zayn but he was to hurt. He needed time. 

On the over side of town Harry was just waking up from his nap. He had dreams of kissing Louis, and even though he was embarrassed to admit it to himself, he might have had a wet dream about Louis as well. 

As his thoughts wondered to the events of last night he couldnt help but feel a pang in his chest. He kissed Louis, but then Louis left and he wasnt sure how to deal with those emotions. 

With a sigh Harry rose from his bed and headed towards the shower. 

He turned the dial to his prefered tempature and waited for it to heat up. As he got in the shower memories flashed through his mind.


Water hit Harrys back as his lips attacked his partners.

"Harry, pretty pretty please." George said puling away. 

"I don't... I don't think we should." Harry said biting his lip. 

"Darling, well take it slow i promise." 

"Soon." Harry said softly. 

"Im getting sick of this Harry." George said sharply. 

"Sick of what?" 

"You teasing me. If your not gonna give out then why did you even shower with me. Just get out." 

Sadness rushed over Harry at the thought of losing George. This was it. This was the do or die moment. He had to lose his virginity to George, and it was going to happen now. 

"Okay, I'm ready lets do it." 


Harry rinsed the shampoo out of his hair quickly realizing the water had gotten cold. He shivered as he washed his body. 

When he got dressed he decided he was going to take a walk. He rushed out the front door before his mom could ask hum any questions. 

As soon as his feet hit the concrete he knew where he was going. 

It took Harry about 20 minuets to finally reach his destination. The Yellow Spring. 

It was so stunning. The woods covered in green moss while a decent sized waterfall dumped into a larger body of water, that traveled down about 3 miles or so.

This exact spot had sort of been Harry's little secrete.Other people knew it existed but chose to hang out with their groups of friends else where. Which Harry was very thankful for. 

Harry walked down the concrete path and took a seat right by where the waterfall fell. He pulled out his writing prompts notebook and the joint Niall had given him about a week ago. 

He lit the joint and proceeded to write. He took in the scenery as he hit the joint, coughing every now and then. 

About half way through the joint he began to feel its effects. His writing getting more sloppy, but also more thoughtful. 

Harry stayed there for about two hours until he finally decided to walk home. 

Considering Harry was baked he was really craving a cigarette. He regretfully decided to take a trip down to 'the rock'.

The rock was an area in the woods where a bunch of teenagers hung out. Usually Liam and Niall where there too. 

It wasn't that far of a walk to the rock but the worst part about going was actually climbing up the rock itself. It was a pretty giant rock split into two parts, and Harry was terrified of heights. 

As harry reached the rock his anxiety started to build. If he wasn't high he would probably be freaking out way more. 

Harrys hand reached out to touch the wet rock, and with a sigh he pulled himself up. 

To his surprise, he reached the top in less than a minuet. 

He smiled in triumph as he stood up and looked around. It was so beautiful up there, Harry almost forgot he was afraid of heights. 

He turned to face the crowd and his small smile instantly dropped.

"Harry? I thought you were scared of heights?" he said as a smirk appeared on his face. 

It was him. 

Harrys heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. He hadn't seen George since they broke up, and this was not the most ideal place to have a conversation with him.

"Fuck off." Harry said with a stern look. 

Harry started climbing back down the rock not even thinking of his fear of heights anymore. His mind was to clouded with him to even care about falling 15 feet. 

When he reached the bottom he saw a couple smoking next to the path. 

He walked over to them with hope that they'd let him bum one. 

"Hey fogman, can i grip a cig?" Harry said without thinking.

"Oh shit, you know Mac Demarco? That's lit!" He replied pulling out his pack of cigarettes and tossing them to Harry.

"Lighters in there too." His girlfriend said.

"Yeah Mac is the best, and thanks so much." Harry grabbed one out and lit it before tossing the pack back to the male. 

"I'm Jason and this is my girlfriend Angie." He said with a smile beaming on his face. 

"I'm Harry, nice to meet you guys." 

Suddenly Harry felt and arm slip around his waist.

"What the-" He was cut off by the one and only George.

"Hey, im George." He said sticking his arm out to shake Jason's hand. 

"Get the fuck off of me." Harry said shaking away from him.

"Harry, can we please just talk. Please."

Harry's heart swelled at the thought of having a conversation with the boy. He'd be lying if he said he didn't have feelings for him still.

"You've got ten minuets." 


Hey! im really sorry the chapters have been short but im going to start trying to make them longer! Also sorry this chapter is kinda shitty and confusing :( Please leave feedback!!!!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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