Chapter Thirteen

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Destiny POV

A car stopped in front of me and it wasn't Lily's sister car. I looked up and seen it was Junhoe.

I rolled my eyes. Last time I checked we were on bad terms and he was telling Bobby to leave me because I'm not "girlfriend material". I know I just proved him right but, I was innocent back when I was with Junhoe.

"Why are you sitting down crying?" I didn't answer. "Did Bobby hurt you?" He assumed.

"No I hurt him" my voice cracked. I hate the fact that I'm confessing to my ex boyfriend but, I have no one to talk to since Lily isn't here yet.

"Come on, let's go somewhere" he said. He never changed. He's still trying to lure me in while I'm in an emotional state.

"I can't I'm waiting for Lily"

"Ok then I'll wait with you" He got out of his car sitting next to me.

I wanted to tell him to get back in the car and drive off. Only because apart of me still thinks Simon will come out that door and make up with me. Who am I kidding that will never happen.

He started wiping my tears. He held my hand but, I felt uncomfortable. I lightly pulled my hand away. If this boy don't stop.

"Junhoe please" I sighed.

"Well could you at least tell me what happened?" He asked.

In all honesty, I feel ashamed. This makes me look like a big ass hoe.

"I-I cheated on Bobby with an older man" I said really fast hoping he didn't catch on to what I said.

"Woah you risked your relationship for one night with an older man?"

"No no I was in a relationship with him and the truth came public" Junhoe's eyes widened.

"I didn't know you had it in you Destiny" he playfully nudged me.

"I feel like shit" I pouted.

"You'll be ok"

"Do you think Bobby will take me back" I asked.

"There's a 99% chance that he...won't take you back" he said crushing my spirit.

"Aww that sucks"

"If it makes you feel better we all seen it coming so we weren't expecting anything better from you" he side hugged me. Is he trying to make me feel like I'm a no good bitch.

"Did you sit here to make me feel bad?" I asked.

"Yeah kind of but, I'll stop I promise"

"Yeah right" I rolled my eyes.

Lily's sister came right after. Thank God, I was getting annoyed by Junhoe.

"Well bye" I said opening the door and getting into the car.


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