Chapter Fifteen

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Destiny POV

"We should hang out after school" Junhoe suggested. I wasn't in the mood to talk with him. I'm already feeling nauseous.

"I'm meeting my boyfriend after school" I replied.

"Do you love him?" He asked trailing behind me while I'm trying to go to class.

"Yes I love him" I tried opening the door to get into class but, he closed the door again.

"Do you love him more than you loved me?" He asked.

"Yes and why are you asking me these questions?"

"I've missed you" I rolled my eyes. I started walking away from the class and walking towards the girl's bathroom because I really needed to throw up.

"Could you please leave me alone" I tried getting into the bathroom but, he was blocking my way.

"No, talk to me" I couldn't hold it in any longer.

I ended up throwing up on his shoes. They looked new and everything.

He stayed frozen as if he didn't know what to do. People were laughing and taking pictures.

I had to call my mom so, I could go home for the day.

We got into the house. I tried walking to my room.

"Are you sick? Do you need to go see a doctor?" She put her hand on my forehead to check for a fever.

"No I'm ok I just ate something that made me feel sick" I tried walking up to my room.

"I'm going to set up a doctors appointment" she said.

"Mom please I don't need it" I lied walking up to my room. "I'm just going to take nap" I told her going to my room to go to sleep.


Mina POV

"Girl everyone's talking about how Destiny puked on Junhoe's shoes." Kendra said looking at her phone.

"why am I hearing they're near each other all the time now" I rolled my eyes.

I'm not trying to be messy but there's even rumors saying Destiny and Junhoe got back together and now, she's pregnant with his child" Kendra continued to tell me what she sees on her phone.

"Yeah I heard about that, people are saying they heard Destiny throwing up in the bathroom all morning" my other friend Angelica said.

"Yeah I see her eating a lot lately" I added.

"Y'all are not even sure she's pregnant, it's just a rumor" my friend Danielle said.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up Danielle. Whose side are you on? No boyfriend of mine is going to have a baby with another bitch"

"We should jump her" Kendra suggested.

"No let's just crush abortion pills in her food" Angelica also suggested.

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