"Yes, Mum, I'm fine."

"Yeah, I swear, Jonathan is wonderful."

"Alright...I'll call you later, I'm on my way home right now."

"Okay, bye." I hung up my phone as I walked down the street towards my apartment in our block. I had left the party earlier than I had wanted, but I have work in the morning, so I had to get home. I could still hear the blasts of the fireworks, and the laughing and screaming people on the outskirts of the city. other than the normal party sounds, there was no other sound. The music was blasting so loudly I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep.

I was shrouded in darkness as I started to get an eerie feeling. A firework exploded and I jumped. I sighed when I realized that it was just the drunken citizens having their fun. I watched the translucent cloud of air that left my mouth as I breathed. I walked through each cloud before it had a chance to dissappear into the night air never to be seen again. I pulled my jacket around me tighter in the cool night air.

The orange glow of the streetlamps lit the brick sidewalk. Follow the yellow brick roadI recalled from my favorite childhood movie. I just prayed that I didn't run into any lions, tigers, or bears. (A/N: You just said "oh my" didn't you...hehehe ^.^) I glanced around as the wind blew into my face. I looked up ahead of me and saw a group of people. They looked like teenage boys. Great I thought. I had seen these boys around at night. They were the block gang. And I was alone and vulnerable.

I saw one of them, the short, one look over at me and I panicked. I stepped off the sidewalk and started crossing the street between the two cars parked on the side. If I could get to the other side. Maybe then they wouldn't confront me.

I skipped over the pavement as fast as I could in my heels. I heard the boys talking, but kept my eyes glued to the street. I was about halfway across the road when I heard bike wheels spinning. I looked up just in time to see two of the boys speeding bye me on trick bikes. I gasped as they rode past inches from me. The other two boys were walking towards me from the front. I held my breath and glanced back. Two in front two in back. I was stuck. I should have run across the street. But it was too late now. The short one was right in front of me. He pulled the scarf down from his face to reveal a menacing expression. He motioned to my purse.

"Money. Now!" I looked down and saw him gripping a switchblade. He waved it. "Hurry up! Money! Now!" I fumbled around with my purse letting the majority of the contents spill to the ground. The boy scooped it all up an pushed me to the ground. "The ring! Give it up!" I struggled to rip the ring off my finger. "Come on!"

"Vic, that's enough let's just g--" One of the bikers said from behinds me.

"Shut up Tony! Give me the ring!" I finally yanked the ring off and gave it to the short one named Vic.

"It's not worth anythi--" I started. I was cut off by something smashing into the car next to us. I screamed and rolled away from it shielding my face.

"What the fuck?" Vic asked. I stood up and ran while the boys were distracted. I didn't want to stick around and wait for them to do something worse than mug me.

I cut through a park and got to my apartment building. I sighed in relief and took the elevator up to my floor. I was shaking as I tried to unlock my door. Muggings weren't exactly rare around here, but I had just moved to this block. I walked into my bathroom and took out some antiseptic and bandages. I washed the cuts and scrapes and bandaged them. When the glass from the car shattered, it cut my arms and legs pretty bad. There was a particularly bad cut on my left arm from when Vic knocked me over.

I was thankful Jonathan had stayed at the party since I got home late. He also gave me that ring. It was just a gift, not like an engagement ring or anything, but he would be upset I lost it. I just hoped he was too hungover in the morning to notice giving me a chance to replace it.

I could hear the car alarm going off down the street and the boys started screaming. I couldn't see them from my window, but I don't know why I cared. I guess I hoped whatever hit that car hurt one of them. That's horrible, I know, but they attacked me. I was still shaken up so I decided I should make some tea before going to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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