Bed bug...

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Emeralds pov:
I woke up feeling tired but refreshed, my throat stung some so I got up and went to get some water.
Quietly I roamed down the hall and descended the stairs through the living room and dinning room to the kitchen which was separated by a door that was in two parts. My feet were warm against the carpets in the hall and living room but slightly patterned against the cool wood and tile.
Taking a glass from the cupboard I filled it with water and guzzled it down.
Looking at the clock it read 6am.
Going back up and using the washroom I stripped from my clothes and had a quick shower.
As I stood there I thought of all the things we've done and how we turned on each other. Though it meant nothing now, cause people forgive and learn to forget.
It'd be hard but I knew I could.
Eventually she'd learn as well.
Stepping out I dried myself and wrapped the purple cloth around my waist and went to where she slept.
Going through the draws I pulled out a red shirt and blue ripped jeans. Checking the time once more, 7am.
Glancing at her she'd stir but not wake, I felt concerned because by now she'd be up from the commotion.
Shrugging it off I'd go down and start a pot of coffee, only to be joined by Kieth as it finished brewing.
"Morning bud", he'd greet raising a hand.
"Morning", I replied adding some sugar, "how'd you sleep?"
"I should be asking you that my friend".
I fought a smile and sipped the hot liquid, "not bad, thanks... we didn't keep you up did we?"
"No, haha", he laughed pouring himself a cup, "I slept like a log, though thanks for the information bud".
I blushed a little and continued to Get my caffeine in.
"Your friends still asleep ehh?"
I nodded and lit a smoke, "she probably needs it".
He grinned and I nearly choked, "not like that Kieth".
"Of course" he was nearly laughing.
I took a long drag and glanced out the window to the rising sun. "Sure is a cool day".
"Yeah, wouldn't recommend going to the woods today".
I thought as much, seemed like it'd be the three of us and the two dogs,
"Though, I'll be heading out later".
I arched a brow, "thought it was to cool".
"For the woods but not for the shop, bar or Sally's".
I nodded, "how's she been doing?"
"Alright, kids got her going crazy though, I'm thinking of dropping by and helping out, her parents will be taking care of the munchkins so we planned a night out".
"Of course that means you'll be alone".
"Think you can manage it without burning down the joint?"
I rolled my eyes, "make one mistake two years ago and you never hear the end of it".
"I'm just teasing".
I laughed, "yeah but dude... I'm a bit more responsible".
"I know Emerald," he smiled putting his cup in the sink rinsing it. "Don't forget to feed the dogs, and do the dishes".
"I know", looking a the clock it read 9am, Kieth went for a shower and came down dressed in some casual clothes of white and black. Putting on his trench coat and scarf he took his keys and went to the door, "I'd check up on her soon, it's getting late".
I nodded and waved goodbye as he went on his way.
I'd give her to ten, in the mean time why not make breakfast.
Grabbing some eggs and bacon I made some big boys and carried one on a plate for her with some orange juice.
Opening the door I set the food on the night stand and rubbed her shoulder. "Darling, time to wake up".
She stirred and opened her dark eyes, "mmm?"
"I brought food".
That got her attention some, slowly she sat up and accepted the plate that I picked up and placed on her lap, "mmm, morning".
Her voice was off as if she had a frog, I waited for her to finish eating and drinking the juice before touching her forehead with my own, she'd blush at the sudden action which I found somewhat cute.
"How are you feeling?" I asked gently moving some hair from her face, she smiled and held her throat some.
"Alright, just a bit tired".

Taking the plate I looked to her and shook my head, "you have a rasp and a fever... that's far from alright".

She looked down and flopped back. "Sorry, I just don't want you to worry".

I smiled, "come on let's get you in a bath and comfy again".
Taking the plate and glass I stopped by the washroom and started a bounce bath. Kieth always had some around,
Darling looked slightly pale and couldn't walk in a straight line.
Not that she was bow legged... just wobbly.
Getting her in the tub and making sure she was okay I went for some more coffee and checked up in half an hour. She had fallen asleep there. Sighing I helped her out and handed her a towel along with clean clothes, she accepted the boxers and pants but kept the same shirt. I didn't argue after all it was technically still cleanish. She must've liked it.
Leading her back to bed I checked her temperature with a thermometer. It was high; "alright, stay in bed. You're sick".
"Huh?" She asked.
"You heard me, must've been from the other days activities. Running in the cold and the mud".
She didn't seem found of the idea but listened. "Can you cuddle?" She asked, I didn't hesitate and climbed in beside her. She wrapped her arms and legs around me her head over my heart. She looked tired and frail, though the other day she seemed fine. A calm before the storm.
Soon she was asleep and resting peacefully in my arms a small smile playing her lips.
Smiling myself I pet her hair and close my own eyes kissing her forehead. "Rest well bed bug".
"Thank you my sweet", she mumbled nuzzling closer.
At last we were together again. Perfectly happy maybe sick but content.

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