Chapter 11

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I don't care how I get Harry, I just know that I have to get him back no matter what. He is mine and no one else's. He does not belong to Hermione, he belongs to me. And only me.

Ron looked a little nervous at my side while I walked happily, excited for our evil little plan to make those two break-up.

Ron turned to me and sighed deeply, "Ginny, I don't think we should---"

"Shut-up, Ron! Do you want Hermione or not?!" I interrupted him, feeling really irritated.

He looked at the ground, thinking deeply. Seriously, if he loves Hermione he's going to do anything and everything for her.

We entered Potions class where we saw Harry and Hermione sitting together, giggling while holding hands. I rolled my eyes and glared at them, soon, you'll be mine, Harry Potter.

I sat behind Hermione and Harry and Ron sat beside me, he looked at the two sadly.

"Don't worry, Ron. Hermione will be yours soon and Harry will be mine soon." I reassured him, patting his shoulder.

He nodded slowly and suddenly, the door burst open and in came professor Snape, wearing a serious expression.

In front of us, Hermione and Harry stopped giggling and I saw Harry tensed a bit.

"Harry, your potions homework!" I heard Hermione say to Harry.

Professor Snape scanned the room and when he saw Harry, he crossed his arms.

"Mr. Potter,"  he said coldly.

Harry gulped visibly and shifted in his seat uncomfortably, when Hermione's hands reached for his hand, I couldn't help it, I leaned forward and pulled her hand away from him. Hermione looked at me unbelievably.

"It's annoying," I said, shrugging.

She shook her head and turned back to Harry.

"Professor, I.. I'm sorry. I forgot." Harry replied, fiddling with his wand.

"Just like your father," Professor Snape said annoyed before turning to the board and getting out his wand, and with one flick of the wand, stuffs were immediately written on the board.

Time to act.

I stood up, "Professor, I've got Harry's homework right here. Silly, Harry, you forgot it when we hung out yesterday." I smirked as I stole a glance at Hermione who was frowning while Harry had his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

I handed professor Snape 'Harry's homework' which I worked on last night, since I found out that he still haven't passed his homework.

I handed it to Harry and smiled while he just gazed at me, confused. I nodded at him, indicating that it's fine. He finally took it and mouthed a 'thank you' before handing it to professor Snape.

Harry went back to his seat and Hermione turned the other way, not  facing him. Ha, one point for me. I smirked evilly as I took my seat.


I faced Hermione who was not looking at me, she was facing the other way. I tapped her shoulder and she still ignored me.

"'Mione?" I whispered, I didn't want Snape to have another reason to scold me or whatever.

When she still ignored me I spoke louder, "Mione!"

She turned to me, irritation marks her face, "What?!"

"Are you... upset at me or..."

"So, you hung-out with Ginny yesterday, huh?" She said coldly, crossing her arms.

"What? That's not true! That's just an excuse so Snape would believe that I made that homework." I explained patiently, grabbing her hand in the process.

But she immediately pulled her hand away and rolled her eyes, "So, she did your homework for you?"

I shrugged, "I guess."

I didn't tell Hermione about the kiss,  I am scared that I will lose her. I don't want to. I love her.

Hermione sighed and held my hand, "Fine. Stay away from Ginny, alright? I have a bad feeling. I think she still fancies you."

I wiggled my eyebrows playfully at her, "Aw, my 'Mione is jealouuus."

She rolled her eyes at me, " I am not--"

"Hermione Granger, Harry Potter. Do you mind sharing your little conversation?" Snape suddenly interrupted, glaring at the two of us.

I saw Hermione blush while I just smirked, "Sure, Snape. I can share it. So, Hermione was jealous and then I started teasing her and then--"

"Harry!" Hermione interrupted, she was really embarrassed.


All of the students snorted, and I saw Ginny and Ron just glaring at us. Sigh.

"Don't treat me like that, Potter." Snape widens his eyes at me while I just roll mine. He went back to teaching while Hermione scolds me for being rude, she says. But I call it being savage.

Finally, Potions class ended and students scrambled to get outside, me and 'Mione were about to go out when Ron and Ginny blocked the doorway. We were the only ones left.

Ginny and Ron exchanged a few glances at each other before Ginny grabs me and forcefully drags me to Merlin-knows-where.

"Ginny! Stop it!" I told her, I pulled my hand away and started to walk away.

When I felt a spell being put on me, I don't know what kind of spell, sorry, I don't listen to classes. It just makes you  do the things the one who casted the spell on you tells you to do. And unfortunately, mine was Ginny. It's kind of like hypnotism except that you're aware of what you're doing but can't stop because of the spell.

She smirked evilly before saying, "Come, Potter."

My body did what she said even though it was against my will. I turned to look at Hermione and saw that Ron did the same thing to her and they both walked away. Anger rushed through me as I saw Ron holding her hand.

I was so angry that I didn't even notice that me and Ginny stopped  at her secret place, the one where Ginny kissed me unexpectedly. As soon as we got there, she wrapped her arms around me tightly. I heard her sobs as she did, but she still did not let go.

"H-Harry, look, I love you." she said through sobs.

I bit my lip, I couldn't pull away since I was under her stupid spell. I was so frustrated.

She finally pulled away and wiped her tears, "I am going to get you back,"

She smirked evilly, she looked out the door for a brief moment then she turned to me and said, "Hug me and tell me you love me."

I look at her unbelievably and I tried to not do it but her spell was too strong.

I walked closer to her and hugged her, "I love you, Ginny."

What I failed to notice was Hermione standing at the doorway with Ron and she had tears streaming down her cheeks.

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