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Omg tysm!!! Seems like yesterday i had only one reader oml, so i don't really know if i should make a sequel? If you want you can just comment fam

so in the meantime, i'll try to make bonus chapters


It was finally Christmas, and of course, Hermione and Harry were sitting on their usual spots at the Gryffindor common room, which was in front of the fire place, both were giggling, considering they were having a tickle fight. But it was obvious that Harry was winning since Hermione was laughing so hard, unable to block any of his tickles.

"Ha-Harry, s-stop!" Hermione almost yelled, feeling relieved that they were alone considering the fact that most students were back in home, enjoying their Christmas break. The couple had decided to stay at Hogwarts to celebrate Christmas. Unfortunately Ron had to go home to celebrate it with the Weasley family.

"Alright! I'm se-serious! Stop it! Y-you win!" Hermione managed to say in between heavy pants. With a victorious smile, Harry stopped tickling her and put his hands behind his head smugly.

"See? I always win." he says in a boastful tone, while Hermione was still trying to recover from the fight. "I'm the king of-"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Hermione interrupts, rolling her eyes at the smirking man.

Just then, the door opened and revealed a sad-looking Neville, who immediately spots them. He walks over and sat in between Hermione and Harry making the couple annoyed since they wanted to be alone but Neville was ruining that for them.

"uh- what's wrong, Neville?" Hermione asks, noticing Neville's sad look.

He sighs deeply, "just found out that Ron's dating Luna. Luna told me."

Hermione and Harry's eyes widen at Neville's statement.

"WHAT?!" they shout in unison, but Neville didn't even flinch nor look at them.

"Yeah.." But then Neville looked alarmed and stared at the two, "Wait! Don't misunderstand! I don't like Luna in that way- it's just that all of you guys seem to have someone except me." he said bitterly, his eyes going back to the roaring flames in the fireplace. "I mean, you guys are dating, Ginny and Seamus are dating and now, Luna and Ron are dating, it makes me feel kind of left out."

Hermione and Harry exchanged glances before Harry decides to speak up, "hey, Neville, you don't have to date someone or anything, it's just not... the right time. Don't worry, mate, your lovey-dovey will come around sooner or later."

At his words, Neville seemed to cheer up a bit, a small smile had formed on his face as he looked the two, "oh, thanks mate,"

He smiled one last time at them before heading to the boys dormitories to read Herbology books, leaving the couple alone.

"Wow." Hermione mutters, "Ron and Luna are dating- it's unbelievable, but why didn't Ron tell us?"

Harry shrugs, "probably taking revenge on us for also not telling him about our relationship. Anyways, Hermione, I have my Christmas present for you." he smiles widely at Hermione, whose eyes lit up as soon as she heard the word 'present.' "But first, close your eyes, 'Mione."

Hermione obeys immediately, shutting her eyes close. Harry took the little box out of his pocket before making Hermione stand up. He opened the box and took out the necklace he bought yesterday from Hogsmeade.

Harry puts it around Hermione's neck, making her eyes flutter open. She gasped at how beautiful the necklace was, she held the heart pendant between her fingers with a smile on her face. She turns around to face Harry, who was grinning at her reaction.

"Merlin, Harry, it looks magnificent! Thank you so much."

"It's a reminder," Harry explains, "of our love for each other, 'Mione. See this tiny little button right here?" Harry points out the button on the back of the heart pendant. "If you press it, a picture of us will appear on it, to remind you that I'll always be there for you even if we're apart."

Hermione presses the button, and sure enough, a moving picture of them appears on the heart pendant, they were both smiling happily, Hermione's heart fluttered at the sight. She immediately wraps an arm around Harry, "thank you, Harry. I love you so much."

Harry smiles, "I love you too."

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