Chapter 22

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Two  Days Later

Brandon: Carly breakfast is up

Me: Who Made it

Brandon: Tom why

Me: Just needed to see weather it would taste like shit or not i will be down there in a moment

Brandon walks in and see the photos all over my room and i was just sticking some on the walls

Brandon:What are you doing Carly i have been meaning to ask you for the past day but i thought i should just leave you to it but now im curious

Me; Memories need to be put somewhere so im making these boards which will have pictures on so i can take it to my new apartment when i move and they are easy to transport they were not helping me remember people by being in a box under my bed. And on my laptop

Brandon : Have you been doing this the whole time

I nod

Me: I couldnt sleep and i found these in mams room so i just took them its not like she can use them so i will put them to good use

Brandon: Ok sounds like a good idea you know what else sounds like a good idea

I was just sticking a photo onto the board

Me: What eating

Brandon: Yes Eating im hungry

Me: Then go downstairs i will be there in a minute

Brandon:Ok see ya downstairs

Me: Ok  close my door behind you

About an hour later

I was still doing the boards i wasnt hungry so i didnt go downstairs whatsoever to get something to eat probably all be gone by now and i know what the topic of conversation would be.

Nathan walks in

Nathan: Hey whatcha doing

Me: Making this photo board and many more

Nathan: Why

Me: I like the photos so i want to be able to see them instead of them being stuffed in a box for eternity

Nathan: Ok that is an actual good idea

Me: It happens at times

I look up to him and smile

Nathan:You need any help

Me: Nope im just fine doing it on my own but you could get me a drink of something

Nathan: What am i your butler

Me: Yup for now anyway

Brandon Walks in

Brandon: We really need to talk about mums funeral

Me: We can talk about it later ok i just need to finish this ok

Brandon:No Carly We need to start planning it now

I started to raise my voice and stood up

Me: No we dont need to start now ok its not just something you can plan its not a birthday its mums funeral Brandon ok i dont want to help plan it or whatever get someone else to help you i dont want the responsibility

Brandon:Well im sorry to say Carly but you are going to have to face up to it Mums dead and we are left to pick up the pieces so you will come downstairs and help plan it because your the one who knew her the best

Me: I obviously didnt know her the best Brandon because if i did she would still be here ok and as you said shes not shes dead and shes never coming back

I storm out the room and run downstairs

Brandon:Where are you going now

Me: To get some more glue i need some

Brandon: Your not going anywhere Carly your staying here and helping

Me: Skinny Love


Me: Mum wanted Skinny Love by Birdy Played and she also wanted Wind Beneath my wings and There I'll Be played There i helped you happy

And after i said that i grabbed my car keys and got in my car and just before i put the keys in the ignition i put my head on the steering wheel and just started to cry after about five minutes of crying i heard my car door open i wiped my tears and looked over to see it was.

Nath:Hey thought you might want some company i mean glue shopping is very boring

I Just smile at him and nod

Me: Thanks I guess your right i probably will be bored to death by the end of it

Nath: Exactly so where we going

Me: Homebase its the closet place where we could go looking for it

Nath: Carly whats the real reason your making them

Me: The reason is i wanted to put the photos to use

Nath: No its not

Me: What do you mean

Nath: Its a distraction its a way you are dealing with your mums death and its also i way of blocking everyone out

I just keep on driving not replying

Me: I dont think you have noticed Nath but i am not dealing with My mums death in anyway

Nath: I think you are but your doing it in the way you deal with anything by blocking it out and putting it to the back of your mind and just ignoring it

Me: Maybe your right but maybe your not because Nath i dont want to deal with it and i have already told you that

I got ot the car because we had arrived

Nath followed: Yes you have already told me that but i think your lying i think that you are just blocking it out and thats you dealing with it and by blocking it out your pushing everyone else away and believing that you can deal with it on your own and thinking you have to do it on your own.

I just look down and stay silent and nath walks over to me and puts his hands on my face and makes me look at him

Nath: But you dont have to face this alone Carly Everyone is here for you weather you like it or not we are all here for you I am here for you and im not going anywhere.

He just leans down and kisses me softly on the lips and i kiss him back the kiss started to get more passionate but not hot and heavy just perfect a wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer as he put his hands on my hips the kiss was as i said perfect.

After about a minute we both pulled away and rested are foreheads together while playing with are hands

Nath: Maybe we should get that glue before the store closes

Me: Yeah your probably right

I Moved away from him after unravelling are hands and started walking

Me: You coming or are you just going to stand there like a lost child

I held my hand out to him and he just smiled and put his hand in mine and we walked into the store .

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