Chapter 24

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Listen to Give Me Love -Ed Sheeren

Me:Nath Whats going on why are you wearing a suit

Nathan:Because i wanted some time alone i said i did before i leave again because god knows when i will be back

Me: This is really sweet but you didnt have to go through all this effort just for me

Nathan:Yes i did and you want to know why

He walked up to me and put his arms on my waist

Me: Why

Nathan:Because you deserve it and you need this time away from thinking about your mum and everything like moving to london

Me: Well then we might aswell get down to the eating because im starved

Nathan:We will in a second but i want a kiss first

I laugh and i look up at him and place my lips onto his and wrap my arms around his neck while he pulls me closer to him and the kiss continues to get deeper after alittle bit we both pulled away

Me: Now can we eat

Nath: Yes i guess we can

I walked over to the table

Me: You cooked this because i know i said before that i wanted to eat but im not being mean but i just dont trust you near an oven

Nathan Laughs

Nathan:No i didnt cook it well not all of it only the small bits Tom cooked the rest

Me: Oh good becasue i do not want to end the night with food poisoning

Nath: That was only one time

Me: Two times okay and one of them was on my birthday so me Not so happy about that

Nathan:I was sure i cooked the chicken properly

Me: Im sure you thought it was cooked but did you actually check it

Nathan:What do you mean

Me: Exactly

He looks at me strange and just laughs

Me: What

Nathan: You did i ever tell you how perfect you are

Me: Nope i dont think you have

Nathan;Well your perfect

Me: Thank you but no need to lie Mr sykes its bad to lie

Nathan:Im not lying anyone can see that what i said is true but you okay your perfect and i just wish you could see what i see because i love you just the way you are

Me: Did you just quote One direction and Bruno Mars in one sentence

Nathan: Yeah i did i hoped you wouldnt notice

Me: Well i did but its okay i forgive you

I smile cutely at him and put another bit of food in my mouth and take a sip of my drink

Me: Well when i see tom im going to Thank him for cooking this because it is delicious

Nathan:You sure do love your food

Me: Yup i do and nobody and i mean nobody can take that love away from me

Nathan:Are you sure about that

He moved closer to me and lifted my chin up so i was looking into his eyes and pressed his lips on mine once more it was a sweet kiss the types you see in them very cheesy movies

I pulled away

Me: Well if you do that i wont be able to finish my food

Nathan:I know i was just trying to see how long you could last without pulling away and continuing to eat

Me: Well it was probably longer then you thought

Nathan: It was

I laugh

Me: Well you can always expect the unexpected when it comes to me

Nathan: That im sure of

I laugh and take the last bite of my food

Me: So who is doing the washing up

Nathan: We can do that later now you are going to stand up and put this on

He handed me a blindfold

Me: What are you planning now

Nathan:Just Put It on okay

Me: Okay since i trust you not to hurt me yet

Nathan Laughs and helps me put the blindfold on me and took my hand and started leading me somewhere im sure we went up the stairs

Once we got to the door he opened it and took my blindfold off and the room was covered in roses

This is going to take a while to clean

Me: Nathan i never thought of you as a romantic i have to say

Nathan:You can always expect then unexpected with me

Me; Taking my sayings now

Nathan:Well i had to get a new one cant keep on quoting song lyrics

Me: Nope that is unoriginal you have to original not like everyone else

Nathan: Exactly

He walked over to me and kissed me and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer

He guided me towards the bed and the kiss was heated and passionate and it was like we only had one moment and thats all i wanted was the moment because i knew that if i pulled away i would have to face reality and i didnt want to do that

His lips left mine and started kissing my neck nibbling on it

Me:Nath please stop teasing

Smirking he  pressed his lips back onto mine one hand rubbing my thigh making me even more  the kiss even more heated .

Both of our lips were fighting for dominance and i knew are lips would be bruised but once again i didnt care.

  His hand started making its way up my top and i didnt stop him i lifted myself up alttle so he could take it off and i did the same.

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