Chapter 25

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2 Days Later

Today's the Day the Day I have been dreading the Day of My Mums Funeral

I started looking through my things for the dress i bought when i finally found it i pulled it on and started to put my make up on when i heard a knock on the door

Nathan: Can I come in

Me: I dont see why not

Nathan: How you doing the others wanted to see how long you would be

Me: Im nearly ready im just finishing off my make up then i am finished you can go tell them that

Nathan: Well you answered one of them but not the How are You doing question

Me: Well how do you think i am doing Nath Im putting my mum in the ground today then tomorrow i have the will reading so guess what i am not doing to well how are you

Nathan walked over to me and moved a loose strand of hair out my eye

Nath:I am just as good as i can be today but knowing your okay would make me a whole lot better

I just look down

Me:Just give me five minutes okay

Nathan nodded and just walked out i sighed and went back to my mirror and sat down and started applying my lipstick when all of a sudden tears started falling i wiped them away and stood up its now or never

I walked downstairs and saw everyone

Me: Im ready you guys ready

Tom:You Okay Carls

Me:Good as i can be

Tom pulls me in and hugs me i rest my head on his chest and tears start to fall softly after a minute and the tears had finished falling i pulled away and wiped the tears that were left and walked out the door and headed towards the funeral cars

Once we arrived to the church i felt someone grab onto my hand and looked to see it was Nathan and i kept a hold of his hand walking into the church where Skinny Love-Birdy was playing and i couldn't fight the tears that were coming i felt someone take my other hand and looked and saw Chloe i just kept a  hold of hers as well as we made are way to the seats and sat down.

The Revenrend started talking after my brothers and Jay and Max had brought my mums coffin in i just looked down and tried to hold the tears in i cant say anything when tears were coming down

Rev:Now if i could have Carly come up and read her piece she has written for everyone

I just looked down and headed towards the alter where the reverend was standing

I took A Deep Breath

Me: My Mum was one of the strongest loving person i ever knew she could put a smile on your face when you were in your darkest hour she could make you believe in yourself when all hope was gone My mum wasn't just my mum she was my best friend and she was also my hero

I take a deep breath and wipe the tears i saw other people crying

Me:Mum cared more about others then she did herself everything she did she did for Brandon Lucas and I and nothing she did was out of spite she didnt have a spiteful hurtful bone in her body she taught me how to be myself she was the closet thing to perfect then anything and the hardest part about today is the fact i have to stand here and say goodbye because there is never a goodbye only a beginning or atleast that's what she told me.So as i stand here and talk i hope you all have a memory that you can hold of her because that means you have and never can forget her.

By this time tears were streaming and i could barley speak

Me:Thank You for listening

I walked down the steps and sat back down in the middle of Nathan and Chloe who both held my hand and just rested my head on nathans shoulder

After the service i had alot of people coming up to me and saying how amazing my speech was and how much i looked like her but all i wanted to do was go to my room and crawl into bed and just lie there and block out the world.

Only Close family and friends went to watch the burial so it wasn't crowed and the others went to the bar to have a few drinks and food the hardest part about today was watching them put her in the ground because that means she is officially gone

Nathan:We are going to go the bar you coming

Me: No i am just going to head back home get a taxi  back dont think i can cope being around everyone you know

Nathan nods and kisses me softly

Nathan:It really was a beautiful speech Carly

Me: Thank I Love You now Go

Nathan just looks at me

Me: What

Nathan:You just said you loved me

Me: Yeah so i have said it before

Nathan:Yeah i know it just sounds really good

I laugh alittle

Me:Go everyone is waiting for you i will see you later okay

Nathan: Okay im going oh and by the Way I Love you too

I just smile and watch him walk away with the others

The Next Morning

I woke up and looked to the side of me and Nathan wasnt there maybe he just passed out downstairs so i climb out of bed and walk into the bathroom and have a quick shower and get changed and walk into everyone room and no one had seen Nathan

Me: Chloe You sure Nathan didnt come home with you guys

Chloe:Yeah he said he would make his own way home or something like that but last time i saw him he was talking to Claire

Me: Claire as in bitch from America

Chloe:Yeah but Carly you dont think that Nathan would

Me: Im not sure i mean that bitch is very skanky she probably got him wasted and seduced him into bed

Chloe:Its Nathan okay he wouldnt do that to you

Me: Yeah we will just see did any of you talk to her

Max:Yeah i did sort of she said she was staying in the Mariot or something room 112 i think

Me: Okay well im just going to pay her alittle Visit 

Tom:Carly Chloe is right Nathan would never cheat on you

Me: He might if he had alot to drink

I grabbed my car keys and walked to my car and got in

I was praying that if i got to the hotel that Nathan was not going to be there

Once i got there i walked to the front desk

Me: Hi my friend claire edwards is staying here i have her phone do you think maybe i could go to her room and return it

Recepitonst:Yes of course here is the spare key but i am not sure that Miss Edwards will be awake yet

Me: Oh im sure she will be

I walk to the elevator and take a deep breath when i get to her door and knock

Me: I knew it


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