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'I love you' his voice boomed through the empty vestibule, echoing in ever corner; having a power greater than the waves of the seven seas.
'I.. I.. I love you too' Aazeen whispered at the man in front of her. His chestnut chair blew with the wind like the rustling leaves of autumn; his piercing emerald orbs flickered with a unique spark in them at her confession.
In that second she wanted to hug the life out of the handsome man infront of her.
Her fingers gently caressed his subtle jaw as they pricked at her fingers. Closing her eyes she cherised this very moment; wanting it to last forever. Slowly opening them, she saw him vanish
Almost as if he dissaperaed in thin air,
Almost as if he didnt exist...

She became so obsessed with her imagination, she thought it was reality
This is the story of Aazeen.
Aazeen Abdullah, the runaway bride.

Imagine, but with care for all your visions are a form of prayers~suhaib rumi

*Squeels like an insane women*

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