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It was a Raining hailstorm and as scary as it seemed, it created an utterly beautiful and chilly atmosphere, luring Aazeen to peer out the broken windows of class, remarking the beauty of one of the simplest, yet mesmerising creations, Rain.

Gazing towards the children working profoundly on the topic they were given, Aazeen' heart overwhelmed with Love. It had been years since she had witnessed the naughty antics of children, and after becoming the teacher of General Knowledge for an institution for orphans, under Asghar' insistence, has brought back those memories, flooding with Love and Naivety.

"Aazeen Baji, I'm Doneeeee"

Muskaan screamed on top of her Lungs, grinning widely, while holding out her work for Aazeen to check. Stealing glimpses of jealousy and envy amongst her peers, her grin widened, if that was possible.

"Well Done Muskaan, Wait for others to finish, and we shall discuss it by the end of class"

Muskaan reminded Aazeen so much of her own sister, joyful and intelligent, attracting all attention towards herself. The aura of joy around her caused even the most despicable to smile. And for that, Aazeen loved her.

Excusing herself from the classroom, she rushed towards the terrace, hoping to admire the rain for much longer. Suddenly, she groaned deeply from the sudden migraine in her head. These headaches had been increasing daily and the cause had not yet been discovered

Upon reaching the terrace, all thoughts of pain evaporated as she gazed endlessly at the beauty ahead. The rain floated in gentle waves, as if gravity was the soft music of the Earth, a sweet beckoning serenade.

'Every drop makes the ocean'  Voicing her thoughts while inking her diary, she hummed her favourite tunes to herself
'Those with influence have a larger drop which makes an impact on the ground, often changing its form; and those who only live, not interfering in others lives, have the smallest impact, causing the ripples to subdue faster than they formed. Every drop matters, just like every person. And everyone's beautiful, in their own way. If only we Learnt to respect that, would the World become a much tolerable place to live in'

A sudden wave of nausea had her clutching her stomach, running across the hallways towards the restroom, emptying out all contents of her breakfast and the medicines she had taken. It felt as if she were throwing up guilt and regret of her reckless actions for leaving behind a loving family, the homesickness that had piled up, and the unwanted frustration of being the worst daughter and sister in existence. Tears flowed uncontrollably down her cheeks. Why was she feeling emotions to such an extreme? Months had gone by, and she had not gotten over the constant uneasiness gnawing in her chest. How could she?

She had lost the ones she Loved most.

"Aazeen Darling, are you okay?" Alishba' soft voice broke her train of thoughts, as she gazed upon the Women' tear stained face. "Whats Wrong? Are you not feeling Well?bHere...Let me up you up." Staggering on her feet, Aazeen washed her face, her head spinning and eyes blurred.

"I'm O..okay" Mustering all the courage she could to speak, Aazeen' voice broke at the end. What was happening? By now she had been seated on a bench, as Alishba held onto her shoulders.

"You have been acting weird lately" Blabbed the woman, and all Aazeen wanted was for her to stop speaking. True, she had a beautiful heart and was a true friend, but she spoke too excessively, often causing Aazeen to sleep during her rants. "And I've been noticing a strange glow to your face as well."

"OH MY GOD AAZEEN" Suddenly, the woman lept out of her Chair and pounced around the hall, clapping her hands ecstatically "I Can't believe it, I'm going to become an AUNT. Yes, this is the happiest day of my Life. We should go shoppi-"

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