Chapter 1

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Marco's POV:

*BEEP BEEP BEEP*  Ugh. Time to get up. I slam my fist against that little evil machine and drag myself out of my comfy bed. I pull on some black pants and a Metallica shirt. I tie my Vans and walk into my kitchen. The sink is piled high with dishes. Looks like i'll be heading to Nino's today. I race outside of my apartment complex and hop on my bike. I'm taking classes in New York and sadly, can't afford a car. I bike past Times Square and end up at my favorite coffee shop, Nino's Pastries and Coffee. I lock my bike to a rusty chain near a bus sign. I push through the door and walk up to the register. 

"Can I get a large coffee with creamer and an Egg sandwich." I order from the barista.



"Alright, your total is $3.25" the barista replies. 

I hand him the money and go find a seat. A minute later, a woman from behind the counter yells, "Lazer Puppy Frappe and a rainbow croissant with extra sprinkles for a Star Butterfly!" My heart skips a beat. Memories of my best friend in High School and former love rush through me. We never had the chance to be together, since she was taken away by Toffee. I was heartbroken. The sole reason I came to New York was to find someone new so I wouldn't be depressed by the loss of her. I honestly thought she had died. I saw a long haired girl with long blond hair walk up to the counter, take her stuff and sit back down. I wanted to see her. Her face, her personality, her everything. She was like a missing puzzle piece. I wanted to love her. I turned around and lost my breath. Oh my god. No wonder she was from another dimension. It looks as if she radiates everything around her. She was wearing ripped white shorts and a rainbow shirt that read "PRIDE" with pink converse. Her hair was in a hair ponytail, and of course, she had a horn headband (but it was pink). I had to talk to her.

Star's POV:

I take my drink and croissant from the kind barista and sit back down. I see a familiar face in the crowded shop but shrug it off; I do know a lot of people. But that face. It was like a punch in the stomach. An aching sensation ran through my body. It felt worse than any destruction Toffee could do. I glanced back. OH MY GOSH. There he was. Marco. Simply Marco. The most handsome man out there. My friend, my love. I missed him so much. He was warmth. He was happiness.  I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, but that goddamned Toffee got in the way of our love. He took me away and tortured me, but I beat him. But after my victory, I was lost. All the conflict with Toffee distracted me from Marco. I missed him. I cried endlessly, day and night, so my parents sent me back to Earth to New York to start a new life and find someone new. I wanted to find Marco, but Toffee wiped me clean of where he was. He wanted to take something precious away from me. He tried taking away the memories of Marco completely, but our friendship was too strong. I felt a zap of energy in me when I saw he was staring at me. I almost had a panic attack when I saw him stand up and slowly, but steadily, walk up to me. 

"Star?" he said.

"Marco?" I replied.

He pulled me into a hug. The feeling of his warm arms made me tear up. He also had gotten pretty strong since High School. I could feel his biceps. Yum. JUST KIDDING! Maybe not. He pulled out of the hug to look at me. We stared into each other's eyes for a good 5 minutes. 

"Star. Star, I missed you so much." Marco said, in a hushed tone.

"Marco, I did too. I'm so sorry I had to go," I began to tear up. "I'm so, so sorry. It was all my fault."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2018 ⏰

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