Chapter 8: Boundaries, or Lack There Of...

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My head slammed into the window as we drove down the road to Beaver Lake. Having taken the maximum dose of motion sickness pills, I didn't feel nauseous, but the massive bruise forming on the side of my head was making up for it. Looking out the window, I potted the specks of blue between the trees.

"Thank god," I breathed.

"I thought you said you were feeling alright?"

"I am, besides being thrown into the windshield."

My dad flashed me a grin and continued down the hole-ridden road. He pulled up next to the shed. I hopped out and walked around to his side.

He handed me the keys through the window. "I'll be back at four. Same thing as last time."

"Sounds good." I took a deep breath.

"Alright, be careful Aden."

"I'll be fine. I'll stay away from the dogs."

"That's my boy," he teased, before putting the truck in gear and driving away.

I walked to the shed and unlocked the door. Grabbing my regular cleaning tools, I headed for the water pump. After filling my bucket, I went to the first bathroom and pull back the door. I stood there for a moment and stared at the clean floor. Even the used toilet rolls had been removed.

"You're here!"

I didn't even have time to respond before being attacked from behind. The absence of a shirt told me exactly who had me trapped in a bear hug.

"Titus, we went over this." I tugged on his arms.

He finally let go but kept an arm around my shoulders. "Do you like it? I cleaned it for you."

Staring at the floor, I tried to hide that my face was red. I didn't quite understand why I was blushing. Maybe because I judged Titus too quickly. He just needed a friend, and for the summer, I guess I'd be that friend.

"You didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to so we'd have more time to hang out." He took the bucket from me and dumped the water on the ground. "I even walked around and picked up all the garbage."

"I still need to fill the toilet paper containers and check the fire pits." I unlocked the box.

"I already did the fire pits." He smiled. "And I can hurry and do all the other restrooms if you want?"

"That's alright. I feel bad enough that I'm getting paid for something you did."

"Then you're going to have to make it up to me." Titus raised an eyebrow with a smirk on his face.

I laughed hesitantly. "I guess so." I looped the rolls onto the metal bar.

"You're taking forever." His hand slipped into my back pocket. Snatching my keys, he grabbed the bag of toilet paper and ran off.


He was already long gone. I didn't know whether I was madder about him stealing my keys or violating me. Either way, I wasn't happy. After clicking the lock shut, I sat down outside to wait for him to come back.

About fifteen minutes later, Titus came jogging toward me with that smug grin on his face. "See, I'm a lot faster than you."

"Whatever." I snatched the keys out of his hand. "Give me that." Taking the rest of the toilet paper from him, I marched back to the shed and tossed it inside. "So"—I turned to face him—"since you've done all my jobs for me, we can do whatever you have planned."

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