Chapter 18: You Can't Come

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Chapter 18

You Can't Come

"So about this party tonight?"

"You can't come," I stated, shading in my sketch.

Titus moaned and rolled over on the bed. We had been lounging for the majority of the day. I was surprised he wasn't whining about being bored. He was doing plenty whining about other things though.

He watched my pencil scribble across the page for a moment. "Why not?"

"Because, Chris hates you. He made it clear that he never wants to see you again."

Titus nuzzled my arm. "That guys a jerk. You shouldn't have been the one to apologize."

"Stop it." I scooted over. "You going to make me mess up."

Titus sat up and snatched the sketchbook from me. I opened my mouth to argue only to have Titus shut me up with a kiss. He wrestled away my pencil and tossed it onto the floor with the sketchbook as his tongue battled with mine. We parted with Titus hovering over me.

"He hurt you," stated Titus.

"We both did things we shouldn't have that night." I stared across the room.

"Aden." He guided my face back until our eyes met. "Lesson one when it comes to having a werewolf for a boyfriend, we're overprotective. I'm not letting the asshole be alone with you again."

I snorted at him. "Where the hell did this boyfriend title come from?"

"Fine." He leaned down next to my face and stop an inch before our lips touched. "We'll test it."

I swallowed hard and stared at him. "What are you doing?"

"Just waiting." The corner of his mouth turned up. "Seeing how long you last."

My mouth dropped open. "This isn't a game, Titus. Get off."

He shook his head and pinned my arms down.

"Stop it." I turned away.

He leaned in closer, so I could feel his breath on my skin. "Just amuse me, Aden." He placed soft kisses down my neck.

My heart was beating faster.

He chuckled and nibbled a trail across my collarbone. "I think we both know you're at least bi. Since a straight guy won't want me to kiss them so much." His hand grazed my sides, lifting up my shirt. "So let's say if you feel nothing, then I guess we haven't reached boyfriend status yet, but if you do." His leg slipped between mine. "than I think we're at that level.

Titus shifted his weight. I panicked and shoved him off back. He casually rolled to the side as I clammered off the bed.

"You're such an ass."

"Aden," he sang with a big smile.

I stopped halfway out the door. "What?"

"So, I guess, we're going out now." Titus leaned back against the headboard and put his arms behind his head. He gave me that typical smirk, while flexing his abs.

"The only thing we've established is that I'm gay." I slammed the door and marched to the bathroom. That boy was going to end me. I just knew it.


I walked with my parents to the Harper's backyard. It was decorated for the Fourth of July with red, white, and blue present in every aspect. The Harpers were known for going to the extreme, so it wasn't different than any other party they hosted.

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