Chapter 28: Treasure Trove of Junk

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Chapter 28

Treasure Trove of Junk


“He’s serious, then? I can’t leave.” I flopped down on a stack of furs and old blankets.

“Alpha’s word is law,” Titus sighed. “Sorry.” He sat down beside me and played with my hair. “Your parents are going to be furious.”

I groaned and buried my face in the mound. “I’m going to be grounded until I graduate.” I let out a puff of air. “I can already hear the lecture about making stupid rash decisions, that end up causing problems for everyone.” I picked at one of the hides I was laying on. I didn’t think animal fur would be that soft. “We’re going to have to mate before I leave?”

Titus shook his head. “No, give my dad time. He’ll reconsider.”

“What if he doesn’t?”

“Aden,” he breathed, rubbing his forehead. “If we mate, you still won’t be able to go home. You’ll be a werewolf and under the jurisdiction of my father.”

“Oh.” Sliding down the pile of furs, I leaned against it and stared across the room. “There’s no way around it, then?”

“Not at the moment.” Grabbed my shoulder, he pulled me to him and kissed the side of my head. “Sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.” I shifted my weight and folded my arms. “You didn’t force me. I made the choice myself.”

A noise came from the hallway.

Darius appeared. “Let’s go. The hunting parties heading out.”

Titus nodded and stooped down at my side. “I’ll be back in a couple hours.”

“You’re leaving me?”

His father had threatened to kill me last night, and now he was running off. This really was the stupidest plan I ever thought up.

“Just for a little while. No one will come near you, so just stay in the room.” He kissed my cheek before hurrying out the door.

I scowled at the brothers as they walked off. The last thing I needed was to be alone in a cave full of werewolves. I really might die.

After sitting there moping for awhile, I decided to explore Titus’s man cave of disaster. I ended up trying to organize some of it. The boy had crates full of old ripped up shorts mixed in with some that were half decent. He had other boxes with shirts and shoes throw haphazardly about. I may not be the cleanest person, but this was ridiculous.

I dumped out a box and started filling it with everything I deemed needed to be thrown out, which was a good portion. I organized the rest of the clothes and stacked things neatly against the wall, before turning to his treasure trove of junk. With an empty bin in hand, I started going through the rest.

It was weird to see nearly all of Titus’s books were human history. The others, by the look of titles and covers, were werewolf literature. I put those to the side. If I was going to be stuck in here all day, I found what I would be reading to pass the time.

I had nearly everything done accept for one. The only bin that was neatly put together and even had a lid. I was hesitant to open it. What if this is where he kept his stash of “dirty” stuff? After looking around to make sure no one was around, I pulled off the lid.

The smile that crept across my lips couldn’t be stopped. Inside was the stick I carved for him the first day we met and the two wolves. I pulled them out and took out the paper. Every drawing I had given him was inside, along with pictures of us I had sent him from my phone. Each photo was placed in a protective clear covering. I thumb through them, still smiling like a foul. For such a large man, it was nicer to see this cuter side to Titus. That werewolf really did love me.

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