Chapter One : Becoming Royalty

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I never imagined this time would come. I felt a ball of lead weighing me down. All of us were lined up, each of us wearing a beautiful gown to fit the standards of the cruelest vampire known to man.

There were twenty of us, and we were all perfect candidates for the prince. Most of the girls were sobbing, thrown unwillingly into this situation, like me. Others were here simply to be crowned future queen and gain a fortune from it. They were the ones who held their head up snobbishly. As I peered around, I noticed that all of them were blonde. I was the only one with  black hair. Great, amidst all the blondes, I'm going to stand out. I licked my lips nervously, and tugged at the elegant green dress I had on.

If he chose me, I would be subjected to years of cruelty and pain. I gulped, calm down, there's a one in twenty percent chance that you'll be picked. I tried to calm my frazzled nerves, hoping to god that I wouldn't be picked. Dimitri Volakov, the worst vampire you could ever think of. He's slaughtered millions of innocent people, ravaged villages, torn apart families, and enslaved millions of people. I felt my chest constrict painfully, aware of the shift in the atmosphere. He would be here soon, I could feel it.

Dread coiled in my stomach, as I straightened up. My mind flashed me images of an engagement ring on my finger, and I stared at my left hand, burning holes into my ring finger. I shook my head, and smoothed my hair. The sobbing girls quieted down, afraid to make a sound, also noticing the change in atmosphere. Then, the doors burst open, the prince walked in. His skin was a scary shade of pale white, long platinum blonde hair rested just above his eyebrows. His red eyes pierced through each of us, and the hair on my neck stood up. My brain was sending me warnings, danger, danger, run. I immediately stood up, and curtsied deeply, the biting cold that suddenly hit me was hard and I fought to cover my arms up. My teeth made a slight clacking sound as I tried to calm my insistent shivering. I suspected he was the one who brought in the cold.

I sat down, calming my beating heart, and stared down at my lap. From my peripheral vision,I saw the girls doing the same. He inspected each of the girls with a cold gaze, his face an unreadable mask. He passed a sobbing blonde with beautiful long curls, and sky-blue eyes. He didn't say a single word, his footsteps were silent, and he passed by every girl, assessing them, like if they were a car he didn't want.

Then, he stopped in front of me. His imposing figure made me want to snap away, shrink into a tiny ball and disappear forever. I swallowed as I kept my head down, and stared at the designs of my dress. Goosebumps formed, and I shivered when he inhaled, deeply. Fear rattled my nerves, please don't pick me. I thought of my family , and shut my eyes. I willed the tears to not drop, I will not appear weak. With an internal shake, I move my head, and straighten my shoulders.

He lets out a loud hiss, and I cringe. He thrusts my head up sharply, his hands cold. Im forced to meet his unwaveringly red gaze. My breath catches in my throat, he has blood red eyes, and a sharp jaw, his hair was close so blonde it almost looked white. Something in his eyes clicked. I felt tears prick my eyes. He stared at me hungrily, his eyes darting to my neck as he breathed deeply.  He grabs my arm in an icy embrace and drags me out. "This is my bride." he announces in a deep baritone voice. My world stopped, my chest constricted, I panted, panic gripping me like chains. "No," I gasp out. I will not be his bride, I refuse to accept it.

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