Chapter 3

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My legs were pumping, my breaths were coming out in sharp pants, my dress was so tight I could hardly take a breath in.I took a left at the next hallway, screaming for help, begging for someone to help me. The blood, oh god the poor woman. I sobbed, as I found myself in the same hallway with the black door. Dimitri stood there, his menacing smile dark and threatening. I was frozen, tears dripped down my eyes as I looked past him, at the girl, bound on the floor. She had matted hair and blood everywhere. Her eyes were... Red, just like the Dimitri's. A small whimper escapes my throat when his fangs flash out. He stalked towards me with the lethal grace of a predator. My eyes darted back to him, and he stood in front of me. I knew, that if I ran I would surely find myself back in this room. My heart clenches painfully in my throat as I stood still, paralyzed and watching his every move.

Angry hissing sounds come from behind him and my eyes flick over to the girl. She is drenched in a liquid, blood. I take sharp shallow gulps of air, overwhelmed by the stench of metal. Her eyes are a full golden and she is shackled to the ground like a pet. I look up at the prince, shaken to the very core. Is this what I would become? Would he try to make me one of his kind? I've never been so afraid. My eyes flick nervously between the both of them, until my eyes settle on him.

His eyes pierce through my soul, digging deep into my brain. Unnatural. "You ran." He states, calmly. Very calm, so much, that I know that I have awoken the natural predator inside him waiting to pounce. The girl shackled on the floor growls, and the prince turns around quickly. "You will remain silent in my presence!" He booms, I jump startled. He is gripping her by her hair. Any sounds of pain that may have come from her are silenced, and she nods her head. My eyes widen in shock that she still knows the English language. The sound of his voice, unyielding and angry still echoes in the room as he flings her away from him in disgust. "You will not feed tonight." He says in an agitated voice. I am grateful for his lack of attention on me and I consider trying to run away while he is distracted, but one look at the girl is enough to stop my idiotic thoughts.

He turns around and looks at me with his unwavering gaze. "As punishment for running away from me, you will be whipped fifteen times, and you are not allowed to make a single sound, and for every noise that I hear from you, I will add five more whips. Do you understand?" He speaks to me in short clipped tones, his voice hissing out the last word. I nod numbly, this is surely a better punishment than the woman behind him. "If I do allow you to speak, you will address me as master or lord. You are to speak only when spoken to, I will not tolerate any socialization between you and anybody else that is not me." He says his eyes flashing a bright red at the last part. Again I nod mutely. "Also, I would like you to meet my sister." He says in a matter-of-fact tone. He points towards the girl that is shackled, and my eyes widen. Sister? What did she do to deserve this? She is on all fours, with her eyes narrowed at me. A dangerous gleam in her golden eyes. She licks her chapped lips and flashes her fangs. I read the unmistakeable warning. She wouldn't hesitate to drink from my neck, or kill me. Then he exits the room, and I don't know whether to follow him or stay here. I choose to follow him as I keep my head down. It is nearing night, I can tell because I already feel the exhaustion creeping up to me. I manage to stand straight without falling through the pristine floors. We near a dark area of the building, I shiver as I hear violent screams coming from the rooms. I gulp, as my heart skyrockets.

Then he stops, and opens a red oak wood door. "Undress." He orders when I step in. Is he going to....? With the realization, I instinctly back up, and hit the door and shake my head violently. His eyes narrow dangerously. He takes several steps towards me until his form towers over me. "No?" He slithers out. I tremble in fear, and stare at him in the eyes, a challenge that I know I will lose. However, I will lose with my dignity. My back is on the door and he places his hands above my head effectively blocking out any form of escape. I see his muscles bulge out, and the dread buries deep inside me.

He rips my dress off and I can do nothing to cover myself. I make no sound so that I do not disobey the rules he set. The green dress tears easily in his hands. I flinch back, fighting the tears trying to crawl their way out. My hands press up against his chest, trying to push him away. His hands curl into fists, and he slams his hands on the wood and I jump. "I can smell your fear. Hear every little sound that your pathetic heart makes. I know what you are feeling know. You are so afraid, yet you do not want to show it." He hisses, his breath on my ear. I shiver from the emotion his voice lacks. "I will make you forget you are human. I will make you wish you never decided to step foot in this palace. I will break you." He says in a deep cold voice.

His face is inches away from my neck, and he trails his nose up and down inhaling my scent deeply. I feel his fangs come out and he presses them down my neck, gently, a threat. He could kill me this instant. I flinch slightly, and shut my eyes preparing for the worst. "I will not force myself upon you. I do not care about your human body. It is your soul that I want. It calls to me, I want to tear it to pieces and watch you lose every trace of humanity you have. Run. Run as fast as you can, but you know it only fuels my beast. Do not tempt me." He grinds out, anger coating his every word. "Your human scent is disgusting. It clings to you. Bathe. Your scent is revolting." He growls, as he steps away from me. He turns away and vanishes. Into thin air. I can feel my eyes widen and remember that vampires have the ability to teleport. My pitiful sobs reach the air as I grab the torn pieces of the dress to cover myself. I muffle my tears with my hand and vow to myself. "I will not let myself drop another tear in my own prison." I whisper, clutching the fabric to myself as I head towards the bathroom with my head held high.

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