Moving On (4)

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Chapter Four

Fifteen minutes later, I was seated across from Levi Nicholls. He had guessed that I was his blind date without any of my tampering, thankfully.

However, the situation was not one that I had percieved. I was shy, fine, so I obviously didn't want to be the first to talk.

But Levi? He seemed sociable enough. Except his phone seemed to be distracting him. A lot. Since I got to his table, the only two words he had spoken to me were the two words forming my full name, to confirm that I was indeed his blind date. And since then, he had been quiet, other than the odd laugh here and there at his phone.

I felt extremely uncomfortable. I mean, what was the point of me being here if I wasn't going to get any attention? And it's not that I didn't look good -- I did. Just before coming to meet Levi, I had run to the washroom and quickly styled my dark brown hair into a French braid. Not that my hair made me go from looking like a hobo to a fashion model, but I have to say it made quite a big difference.

"Er, shall we order something?" I asked, attempting to break through the awkward silence. Well, it was awkward for me; Levi seemed to not care at all.

Levi looked up. "Pardon?" He asked, raising his eyebrows. 

I gulped and cleared my throat before repeating my question. Just then, a waiter walked by.

"Sir? Ma'am? Are you ready with your orders yet?" The server, a tall man with a small beard and small blue pupils, asked us, a pen ready in his hand to start scribbling our answers down on to a note pad.

To be polite and to make sure I didn't seem like I had come here just for the food, I allowed Levi to order first. He finally looked away from his phone and to the menu, and quickly selected a few items. 

"Um, one extra small Garden Salad, no dressing, and some water, please." Levi stated.

I frowned. He was going to eat salad after coming to The Chocolate Room? He had some odd perceptions about food.

The server wrote down Levi's order and turned to me. "And for you, ma'am?" He asked.

I tried to resist grinning as I opened my mouth to order what I wanted. And for the second time, I was interruped while doing so. By Levi. Of course Levi and Vincent are brothers. They both share the same, stupid manners.

"I just ordered for her. As for me, I would like a plate of Nachos Fiesta, Eggplant Parmesano, Funnel Cake and a glass of wine, please."

My mouth dropped open. Did he just -- no, he didn't. Oh my God, he ordered my food for me without considering what I wanted? How rude!

The waiter finished writing and was about to walk away, when I called, "Excuse me, I would like--" 

But I was interrupted once again. Levi placed his hand over mine and held it to the table. "That's all for now, sorry." 


My jaw dropped open. The waiter gave us an odd look and walked away. I was too surprised at the situation to open my mouth and call him back.


“Look Alana, if you want to get rid of all of that extra fat on your body, you need to learn to keep a hold on your desires. You’re not going to get thin if you don’t diet.” Levi told me, a serious and sad look on his face.


My jaw remained dropped. I pulled my hand out from underneath Levi’s and took a look at my body. Not to be bragging, but I had a perfect hourglass figure. At twenty-three, I still remained fifty kilograms. And for my height, I actually weighed less than I should. And Levi thinks I’m fat?

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