Moving On (9)

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Chapter Nine

“Madison Hale?” I asked her, pretending to be surprised. “Oh my God, is that really you?”

“Yes! Alia, wow! You look so different! Did you dye your hair?” Madison asked, smiling incredibly.

“Yeah! Oh my, it’s been so long since we met. The last time I had black hair was, when? Four months ago?” I thought back to the day I had went to the parlour, determined to change my appearance because Cedric had always loved my long, black hair. Now I feel stupid for doing so, because there should never be a reason to change yourself for someone else, or to change yourself just to anger that person. I, unfortunately, learned that the hard way.

“This is Damon, by the way.” Madison said, winking at me.

I grinned, but this time it wasn’t fake. “Damon, wow, I’m so glad to have finally met you. Madison and I used to talk for hours about you on the phone.” I laughed and Madison smiled nervously. “I know that makes us seem like stalkers, but dude, you were one hot potato.”

Damon grinned. “It’s really nice to meet you, too, Alia. Madison brings you up in the rarest times of the weirdest conversations. Like we would be talking about lasagna and she would be like, ‘Oh, I remember Alia used to make the best lasagna.’ And stuff like that. Honestly, you’re so popular in her mind that sometimes I wonder if there’s enough space for me.”

Madison slapped Damon on his arm. I smiled, a genuine smile, but inside I felt very sad and very guilty. Madison truly missed me. And here I was, pretending like I had not tried to avoid her just a few seconds ago. No wonder karma hates me. I’m a bitch.

“Who’s that?” Madison asked me, looking behind my figure. I suddenly realized Vincent had been here throughout our whole exchange. I had totally forgotten of his existence.

“Oh. This is Vincent Nicholls.” I replied monotonously, my voice refusing to spit out the excitement and emotions I had planned on using before. Even my own body was betraying me now. Great.

“And?” Madison stretched out the word and started to bounce lightly on her feet. 

In the time that I had known her, there was never a time when I had not seen Madison bounce like that at least once a day. It’s like the girl was constantly on some drug that kept her all excited and happy.

I sighed, knowing I had to say it out loud, although I really didn’t want to. “He’s my boyfriend.” I said.

A shrill sound came from Madison’s throat and before I knew it, she flung herself at me, throwing her hands around either side of my neck. “Oh my God, Alia! Great catch! He’s so hot.” She yelled into my ear. 

I reluctantly hugged her back, but then I started to enjoy it. I realized that I had truly missed Madison, no matter how much I tried to deny it. I missed having her beside me as we walked down the streets. I missed her smiles, her laughs, her stupid jokes. I missed my best friend.



Fifteen minutes later the four of us were seated at a booth in KFC. Madison and I were animatedly talking about each other’s lives and the two guys were chatting about sports and politics and other stupid things that guys usually talk about.

I had been pretty real with Madison after she hugged me. Other than the tiny lie I had told her about mine and Vincent’s relationship, I had not been fake at all. To be honest, I was quite proud of myself for doing so. It was actually really hard for me to be doing this because after the break up I had lost touch with all of my friends. Purposely. I know that makes m a really bad person but I couldn’t afford to deal with all the rumors and questions on top of the horrible position I was in.

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