Chapter 23

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This is going to be a third persons pov so i wont be having to change the povs a lot. Sorry for taking a long time to update. I've been busy. Sorry for errors and enjoy!

"Babe, your phone is ringing," Danielle says to Liam. He heads to his phone and saw that it was Niall. "Hey mate," he answers.

"This is officer Joey. We tried calling tons of numbers and you're the only one who has answered. Well your friend here has suffered a really bad car accident and we are rushing to get him to a hospital. Can you meet us over there?"

Liam is speechless and nods. He remembers that the officer cant see him so he agrees. He hangs up and grabs his keys and left with Danielle to the hospital.


Allison and the girls were just done watching the movie and they were still laughing at the ending.Claire phones starts ringing and she goes to the bathroom to answer it."Did you have fun," Skylar asked Allison. She smiled then nodded. Allison hugged Stella and Skylar and thanked them for everything.

Claire exited the bathroom and didn't look too happy. "Whats wrong?" Stella asked. Claire sighed and looked at Allison with sad eyes. "Niall got into a really bad car accident," Claire told the girls. Allison was shocked and her eyes were glistening.

"Is he dead?" She whispered.Claire shook her head. "Just unconscious," Claire told Allison. "Can we go see him?" Allison asked, her voice cracking at the end. Claire nodded and they made their way towards the car.


Liam, Danielle, Harry, Louis, Eleanor, and Zayn were in the waiting room anxious for what the doctor had to stay. "Family of Niall Horan," One of the doctors announced. All of them stood up and the doctor looked surprised. "Who are you guys?" The doctor asked. 

"Friends. His family couldn't make it," Liam told the doctor. "How is he?" Zayn asked. "Not so good. He hit his head pretty hard," The doctor informed them. "Will he wake up soon," Louis asked. "I'm afraid not. Hes in a coma and were not sure when he will wake up," The doctor told them.

"How long will he be in a coma?" Danielle asked. "Maybe 6-8 weeks," The doctor told them. Just then The girls bursted in through the doors. They quickly made their over to the guys and the doctor. "Who are they?" The doctor asked Liam. "These are Niall's friends," Liam said motioning to the girls.

The doctor nodded then excused himself and left. "Is he alright?" Allison asked everyone. "Well um," Danielle said but couldn't tell Allison what happened. She didn't want to be the one to break the news. "What happened?" Stella asked this time.

"The doctor informed us that Niall is currently in a coma," Zayn informed. Allison felt her heart break a bit more. "When will he wake up?" Claire asked. "It can be 6-8 weeks," Liam told the girls. They nodded and all sat down. Allison felt the burning sensation in her throat.

She wanted to cry so badly but she didn't want to cry over him again. Stella saw the glistening in her eyes and wrapped her arms around Allison's shoulder. "It will be alright. Before you know it he'll wake up," Stella assured Allison.

Allison weakly nodded and stared at the wall. She felt so guilty. She knew she was the cause of this. Allison just didn't want to admit it. Allison hated herself so much at that moment. "You're the cause of everything."  Her mind kept told her.

"Why do you make everybody go through so much pain."  Her mind yelled at her. "No," She muttered. " No one loves you." Allison  gripped her hair in irritation. She couldn't help but to let all the tears stream down her cheek. She felt a pair of arms around her shoulders.

Allison looked up and found it to be Skylar's arms around her shoulders. Allison hugged Skylar and let out a sob. She knew everything her mind was telling her was true.

All of the guys and girls looked at Allison with sympathy. They felt bad for her. "Poor thing," Danielle said and Liam nodded in agreement. "I can tell shes been through a lot," Zayn said. Everybody nodded in agreement.

The doctor then walked out and Zayn got an idea. "Can Niall have any visitors?" Zayn asked the doctor. "Not right now," The doctor said in a rush. "Come on. Please. Just one. She needs it," Zayn said motioning to a crying Allison.

The doctor thought for a moment and nodded. "Only for five minutes though," The doctor said and left. Zayn went to the front desk and asked for where Niall was and grabbed Allison's hand. "Come on. Im going to take you to him," Zayn told Allison.

Allison sniffled and nodded. Zayn directed Allison to Niall's room and left her. Allison went in the room and sat down next to his bed. Allison let out a sob seeing him lying motionless. "I am so sorry," She cried out.

"This is my fault. If I didn't go out with that stupid prick I wouldn't have been upset and I would have went to the trip with my family. I would be dead right now and I wouldn't have met you. And I wouldn't have caused you so much pain," Allison cried out.

"Even though we haven't been together for long I really care about you. I've never felt like someone cared about me. With you I feel so safe. It might sound cheesy but its true," Allison laughed a little. She grabbed Niall's hand and entwined their fingers.

She smiled at their hands and wiped her wet cheeks. " I know we haven't been together long but I feel something towards you more than caring. Niall James Horan, I love you. I fucking love you," She admitted. She felt herself cry again thinking of maybe not being able to say it in person.

This love was from first sight. She knew it was love. She kissed their entwined hands and then let go. She smiled then exited the room. She went back to the waiting room. She started crying again and Stella stood up and hugged her.

"Shh. Its going to be okay," Stella assured Allison. But what Allison asked herself was is everything really going to be okay?

Hi! Sorry for taking so long to update. Hope you guys enjoyed. Thank you for all the reads. Follow my Instagram @horanscrazymofo. Thank you. Please vote and comment!

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