Kalista's story

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I winced when a large mosquito bit me on the neck.

In front of me, Kalista was imperturbably making her way through the dense thicket. Just like she had promised, we had been moving non-stop since we left the Hollow of Mull, and while I was already out of breath, she didn't show any sign of exhaustion.

I couldn't help being annoyed by her superpowers.

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and looked around, but saw nothing but dense thicket that consisted primarily of short unknown trees with elastic branches and big green leaves. I had barely noticed when the forest around us changed so drastically; by now we had been walking like this for more than an hour, Kalista in the lead and Blayne in the rear guard of our weird procession. What was worse, it had become significantly hotter. I put off my vest and rolled the sleeves of my shirt, but still, I was sweating.

When the first shock and despair after the separation of our group had passed, I caught myself on a surprising feeling: irritation. More than that, I honestly hated Kalista at that moment. I was mad at her for taking Mina away from me – the only person within miles around that reminded me of home. In the past several days I got to like the girl and felt protective of her, so it was as painful to know she was in the clutches of Borgar, as if she was my own sister. The only thing that consoled me was that Glenn accompanied them, but I repeated to myself that I decided not to trust him. So it was a questionable advantage.

I was also mad at Kalista for methodically ruining my chances to escape, step by step. And I wasn't going to keep quiet about it.

"So," I cleared my throat loudly to make sure she heard me. "You've been studying books about great wars of the past..."

I immediately reproached myself for being a chicken, but then, it was a good job I said at least anything.

"...I'm pretty sure none of them suggested splitting up in two in the wild forest while being chased by enemies. This is a bad, bad idea. You might never see each other again."

Kalista didn't turn around, but even by the back of her head, I could say she grinned.

"Then you have never heard of the 'divide and conquer' concept," she said, cutting the branches that blocked her way with a knife. "It helped many a great commander of the past."

"So you want to become a commander, like your brother?" No matter that I followed her footsteps and tried to copy the way she moved, I was still whipped and cut by every other branch and leaf. "Do the laws of your people allow it? I thought... Ouch!..." I stopped short and flinched with burning pain below the elbow. I had almost forgotten about my bandaged arm along the way, but when I raised it, it reminded of itself with pulsing pain. Red and brown stains on the bandage suggested that the cut hadn't healed yet.

Kalista returned to me and at winced at the sight of my arm. "That doesn't look good to me. Remind me to make you another bandage when we stop."

"I thought we weren't going to make a stop until the Temple." She was being kind of nice, but I couldn't understand why and that made me even more restless. "You told Borgar that..."

"You shouldn't pay attention to everything I tell my brother, especially if it's not meant for your ears." I blushed slightly, making her grin. "They can't afford a halt on the route they took. If they want to reach the Temple before us, of course."

I caught my breath, taken aback by her attitude.

"You were aware of that and sent your brother down the long road? Why?..."

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