Chapter 3 - January 12, 2017 - Advanced Guardian Training Center

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"Is that a lightsaber... it looks the plastic piece of garbage I used to defend myself against the police on Earth" I asked Doctor Ross.

She was holding a lightsaber in her hands to give to me. "I can assure you this is more real then your... plastic piece of garbage" she said. I grabbed it from her hands... it did feel different. I hit the blade switch on it and it ignited.

"Wow, how did you make this" I asked. "It was created using minitue fragments from the Phaze Gems" she said. "We only were able to create a few of these blades so we decided our best cadets would be the ones to get first dibs" she said.

I switched the my lightsaber to gun mode and fired at the wall, it left a burning black spot on it. "Be careful with your new weapon cadet" she said. "Sorry, just wanted to see if it worked" I said. She smiled at me, I figured she would be angry.

"Have you met the other cadets here... besides your friends" she asked, but she clearly knew the answer already. "Actually yes. I've met Cadet Steele, Cadet Woods, and Cadet Spencer. They're all pretty cool, I still have a few more I have to get to know" I said.

"I never thought I'd be a Colonel of the Guardians" I said. "You and the few here showed excellent skill in leadership. Don't feel you didn't deserve it, we looked through all 10 million cadets and the 10 I chose I'm very confident in" she said. "You will be trained how to wield your blade in the future during training. Good luck Jason" she said. The Doctor then walked away leaving me alone in the empty hallway next to my room.

"Wanna duel" asked someone to my left. It was Justin, he had something in his hand. He lifted it up and revealed what he had, it was a lightsaber. It was more traditional looking then mine.

Justin ignited the blade, it was a yellow and gold in color. "Pretty cool right" he asked. "Yeah it is" I said as I ignited my lightsaber. "Set yours to training mode, I wouldn't want to kill you" I said. "Got it" he said.

We readied our selves in a bit of a basic stance. I was the first one to move, I charged at him, his blade blocking mine. Justin pushed me away and attempted to knock me to the ground, however, I evaded him and he hit the wall behind me instead.

"This is to easy" I said in laughter. "So you think" Justin replied.

Justin charged at me, and this time, knocked me to the ground. He had his foot on my chest preventing me from moving. I grabbed my lightsaber but he kicked out of my hand. He pointed his blade at me, "To easy, you say" he says with a smile of victory.

"Oh right Justin, that's enough, we don't want him to beat up" said someone behind us, it was Serena. He moved away and helped me get up. "Thanks bro" I said. "Don't mention it XD..." he was cut off when I hit his shoulder. "No no no, do not start calling me that" I said in frustration.

I looked at Serena with annoyance, "I see you've been spreading information" I said with my arms crossed. "Oh for god's sake, that nickname is catchy, I couldn't help it" she said.

"It might be our geeky videogame clan's name but I agree with her, it fits" said Justin. "You're defending her, seriously, I thought you'd have my back" I said. They both laughed at my remark. I rolled my eyes an proceeded to leave. "Oh come on... HEY... I was going to show you guys my lightsaber" she yelled.

I hesitated but turned around anyway. I looked at her lightsaber, my eyes widened. She was holding the dark saber, it was a legendary blade in the Star Wars franchise. "You recognize it" she asked. "Yes, it's a pretty cool lightsaber variant" I said.

Justin handed me my blade, I completely forgot about it after our duel. "Thanks" I said. "Sure thing. We probably need to get a move on, we don't want to miss training" said Justin. We all nodded our heads in agreement an left for our training session.

I'm so glad I have my some of my friends with me, I don't know what I would do if they weren't here.

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